Page 5 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                          August 2020


 ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS        Area 1   Area 2   Area 3   Area 4

                   20 Jul – 2 Aug   Andy Smith   Mike Menzies   Adam   Ben Bunnell
 Association  Contact  Tel   Address   E-mail   Meetings/Info   Hallmark

       3 Aug – 16 Aug  David Griffith  Steve       David Coates   Nigel Payne
 Bere Regis Scout   Liz Teather   01929   lizteather@hot  Wednesdays 6  -  7  pm
 Group (Beavers)   471216   5¾ - 8 years   Sanderson
       Scout Hut, Elder Road
 Bere Regis Scout   Neal Unitt-  01929         Mondays 7.30 - 9 pm   17 – 30 Aug   Steve   Robin   David Buck   Sandy Moriarty
 Group (Scouts)   Jones   472273      10½ or 11 to 14 years   Wootton   Gainsford
             Scout Hut, Elder Road
 General or group      01305
 enquiries   Chris Gall   772634
       31 Aug – 13 Sep  Henry Hogger  Ian Kaye     Ken Kilbank   Ivor Bryant
 Bere Regis Scout   Kate Willis   01929         Thursdays 6.30  -  8 pm
 Group (Cubs)      472787   8– 10½ or 11 years
    Scout Hut, Elder Road

       In  order  to  maintain  safe  handling  procedures  for  the  use  of  the  mowing
 Kingsbere Explorer   Helen Unitt-  01929         Tuesdays 7.30 pm-9.30 pm.    equipment the following measures will remain in effect until further notice:
 Scout Unit   Jones   472273   14-18 years, male and
 female.  Scout Hut, Elder
 Road   1.    When  you  wish  to  mow  the  churchyard  please  contact  me  on  my  mobile
       telephone 07790 033596 to arrange a time to be let into the container.
 Briantspuddle Book   Angie Talbot   472483   19 Bladen Valley   angie@ptalbot.  2nd Saturday 10  -  12 noon
 Let   Briantspuddle Village Hall,   2.  Sanitising spray and paper towels will be kept inside the container and are to
 in conjunction with Coffee
 Shop   be used to clean the points of contact, handles etc, on all the equipment to be
       used. Sanitising is to be carried out before and after using the mowing equipment.
 Chapel Toddlers   Suzie Gee   472484   Rose Cottage, Butt   suziegtitus3v4@  Tuesdays  -  9.15 a.m.  -
 Group   Land   11.30 a.m.  at the
 Congregational Chapel,   3.    Let  me  when  you  have  finished  mowing  and  I  will  ensure  that  all  mowing
 Butt Lane
       equipment has been sanitised and the container locked.
 Cyril Wood Court               1st Saturday of every
 Monthly Coffee Stop   month from 10.00  -  12.00   It  is  completely  understood  that  some  individuals  may  be  unwilling  to  resume
       mowing until the COVID-19 crisis is over and I only ask that they let me know if this
       is the case.
 Drax Hall   Lyn Simmonds   471528
                                                              Stephen Sanderson
 Dorset Councillor   Peter Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage   peterwharf@ho
 West Street

 Kingsbere Quilters   Mrs Diane   472331   10 Boswell’s Close      Monthly   Scout Hut
 Edmonds   BH20 7JE   1st Wednesday 9.30 am  -
 Milborne St Andrew   Secretary: Sue   01258   Lane End, Milborne   Msa.allotments  A new allotment site adjacent to
 Allotment Society   Gould (28   837575    St Andrew.   the Sports Club in the village,
 Stileham Bank,   whole plot £30, half plot £20 per
 MSA DT11 0LE)

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