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August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                                                                                           CARER SUPPORT DORSET’S ‘HERE TO TALK’

        Just a Smile                                                                       SERVICE

       World famous evangelist Billy Graham
       once told this story when arriving for a                                             Our  ‘Here  to  Talk’
       preaching  engagement  in  a  small                                                  ser vic e   helps
       town  he  had  not  visited  before.    He                                           unpaid  carers  in
       had  a  letter  to  post  and  asked  a                                              Dorset reduce their
       youngster  where  the  Post  Office  was.                                            f e e l i n g s    o f
       After  getting  directions,  Dr  Graham                                              loneliness,  isolation
       told the lad that if he came along to                                                and anxiety so that
       the  church  that  evening  he  could                                                they can keep well
       hear him telling everyone how to get to heaven.  Came the reply: “I don’t think I’ll   and   carry   on
       bother, you didn’t even know the way to the Post Office.”                            caring  for  their  loved-ones.  Unpaid  carers  are  at  significant  risk  of  loneliness,
                                                                                            depression and poor mental health especially with many of their traditional face-

                                                                                            to-face support networks having been suspended.
       A  Somerset  man  and  his  wife  were  visiting  Canterbury  Cathedral  and  were   We are recruiting volunteers who can support 1–2 carers each over the course of
       approached  by  an  American  tourist,  who  asked:  “Say  –  is  this  place  open  on   12  weeks.  Volunteers  provide  a  friendly  voice  and  are  non-judgemental.  Full
                                                                                            training  is  provided.  To  find  out  more  contact  0800  368  8349  or  visit  https://
                                                                   Joyce Healey       

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