Page 74 - br-aug-2020
P. 74

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

       During the week until they go back to school the boys have agreed to continue
       volunteering and deliver papers Monday to Friday.                                                             OBITUARIES

       If you would like to volunteer, there are plenty roles that need to be filled. With the       Dad was also a fantastic Grandfather to his Immie and Joe, having
       changes we’ve made to the supply of stock we need people who wouldn’t mind                    a  loving  and  big  influence  on  their
       collecting  from  Puddletown,  Wool,  Wareham  or  Dorchester  on  a  weekly  basis.   upbringing.
       We’re  also  looking  for  people  who  would  like  a  “behind  the  scenes  role”  like
       cleaning or taking away rubbish.                                                      Now  Dad  has  been  reunited  with  Mum,  it  gives  us
                                                                                             comfort to know that they are together again and Dad
       On a completely different note and starting to look forward to a life more “normal”
       we are starting to think about next year’s shop calendar. The calendar raises much    is no doubt now being given his orders for the day.
       needed funds for the shop and it is always well supported with copies being sent
       around  the  world.  For  2021  we  thought  we  would  continue  the  “Parish  2020  in
       pictures”  theme  and  ask  for  contributions  of  pictures  in  what  ever  form  of  the
       parish in 2020. Be it a photo of your embroidery contribution, a painting or sketch,
       a photo or some other piece of craftwork we would love to have them submitted
       to the shop by the end of September enabling us to prepare the calendar in time
       for Christmas sales – did I really just write that word!!!
       I continue to enjoy meeting everyone who comes into the shop at weekends – it’s
       great to catch up and see friends and neighbours supporting us, I hope you all
       have a safe and well Summer.

            Ali Chorley, Chair of The Friends of Briantspuddle Post Office and Village Shop


       As we enjoy the summertime, when it’s here, it feels
       strange to be writing to you about the village hall
       having  had  four  months  now  with  no  events
       It has been great to see the hall playing its part in helping our community cope
       with covid19 and it has proved, in my opinion, to have been a real help when it
       comes not only to the practical issue of using the shop but also a huge benefit to
                                       our  overall  mental  wellbeing  as  it’s  provided
                                       a  safe  place  for  people  to  enjoy  a  brief
                                       moments  of  interaction  with  friends  and
                                       neighbours as we’ve queued.
                                       The hall intends to continue and develop this
                                       part  of  the  provision  we’ve  been  able  to
                                       make by opening up to serve tea and coffee
                                       from the beginning of August. The plan is that
                                       we  will  open  up  the  jubilee  room  for  a  very

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