Page 73 - br-aug-2020
P. 73

August 2020                          August 2020
       JUST FOR COVID 19

 Over  the  last  few  months,  I  have  been  in  contact
 with a wide variety of businesses, schools, individuals   It never ceases to amaze me how quickly this year is
 and  charities,  to  provide  support  and  advice.  The   going despite the restrictions we have found ourselves
 coronavirus has been the biggest challenge faced   living with. The village shop continues to thrive and be
 by this country in a generation, and it has been very   in  a  great  position  to  serve  the  local  community  in
 tough  for  many  people.  There  has  been  a  wide   many  ways.  We  continue  to  deliver  papers  and
 variety  of  government  support  for  different  sectors,   groceries to those who aren’t able to get out.
 and  what  has  also  been  fantastic  is  the  level  of
 support  shown  by  people  within  communities  for   You can place an order either by calling the shop on
 each other.   As lockdown has been eased, I have   0 1 9 2 9    4 7 2 0 0 0    o r    b y    e m a i l i n g
 been increasing the number of people and places
 that  I  have  been  visiting  in  the  constituency.  I  was   The  numbers  using  the  shop  continue  to  increase.  We  are  pleased  to  see
 delighted by recent announcements about the re-opening of more businesses,   everyone who is using the shop, the more we can sell fresh stock the more we
 including  open  air  performances,  sporting  facilities  both  outdoor  and  indoor,   can provide. The card machine is being very well used.
 and  spas  and  beauty  salons.  I  will  be  visiting  more  places  during  the  summer
 recess  –  do  get  in  touch  if  you  would  like  me  to  visit  your  business  or  charity.   We  have  fresh  fruit,  veg,  bread  and  cakes  in  every  Saturday  and  Wednesday
 It has been a very difficult time for many businesses, including arts and cultural   We  are  stocking  fresh  and  cooked
 organisations, and I was really pleased by the financial support announced by   meat  from  Curtis’  butcher  of
 the Chancellor of the Exchequer to help with the heritage and cultural sector.      Wareham. We are able to sell this at
 There has also been more support for the hospitality sector, which had to close   the  same  price  as  if  you  buy  from
 completely during the worst stage of the pandemic.
                                              their  shop  in  Wareham  and  we’ve
 Now  that  we  have  reached                 had some great feedback about the
                                              quality.  You  can  place  an  order  in
 August,  you  are  now  able to
 use  the  Eat  Out  to  Help  Out            the  shop  or  via  phone/email  for  a
 scheme.  If  you  eat  in  a                 particular  piece  of  meat  or  have  a
 registered   pub,   café,                    look at what’s in the fridge.
 restaurant  or  similar  on  a               We  are  starting  to  welcome  back
 Monday,   Tu esday   or                      some  of  the  volunteers  who  had  to
 Wednesday  you  can  get  a                  step  back  during  the  early  days  of
 50% discount on your meal or                 the  covid  pandemic.  With  the
 non-alcoholic  drinks,  up  to  a   screens  up  in  the  shop,  maintaining  one  customer  in  the  shop  at  a  time  we
 value  of  £10  per  person.   believe we are as covid safe as we can be and its good to have them back on
 There  is  no  limit  as  to  how   board.
 many  times  you  use  the
 discount,  and  you  can  use  it   Following  Eloise’s  “retirement”,  we  have  welcomed  Theo  and  Sam  to  the
 alongside  existing  offers  or   weekend team. They will be covering the alternate weekends with Katie and Erin
 deals. You have to be eating in, it is not valid for take-aways, and businesses can   – I’m sure there will be some competition about whether the girls or the boys sell
 register online to be part of the scheme.   more!  From  the  beginning  of  August,  the  shop  has  agreed  to  add  the  paper
       round at weekends to the weekend team and Zak will be delivering your papers
 People sometimes mention to me that these columns do not reflect the most up   on Saturdays and Sundays.
 to date events that have been happening - either in Dorset or Parliament. The

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