Page 22 - br-aug-2020
P. 22

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                      are struggling and need a delivery  please email me  on
                                                                                           or telephone 01929 472023

                                                                                           Thank you to Jo Bruce and Jo and Claire Syrett and  Paul Bennett who are helping
                                                                                           to run this initiative.
                                                                                                                                Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023

       Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480

       Vice Chairman:     Bryan Benjafield    07969       POP IN PLACE NEWS

       Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327                     Have the courage to begin again ….
                                                                                            After  such  a  long  time  it  will  be  very  hard  for  many
        Websites:                                  people to become social beings again and the thought
                                                                                            of mixing with others in the community will for some be a
                                                                                            cause  of  anxiety.  We  at  the  Pop  In  Place  understand
                                                                                            these feelings.
        The  Parish  Council  met  remotely  via  Zoom  on  Thursday  9th  July  2020.  The  next
        meeting will be on Thursday 10  September, again remotely. If you wish to join the                                                     From   the   11    of
        meeting, or wish to send a question in to be read out, please contact the clerk                                                        September  we  will  be
        beforehand.                                                                                                                            opening  in  the  upper
                                                                                                                                               village  Hall  we  will  be

                                                                                                                                               offering   our   new
        Food & Drink Market                                                                                                                    Rainbow  Pop  in  cafes
                                                                                                                                               on   Friday   mornings
        Due to the Coronavirus, the Dorset Food & Drinks Markets have been unable to                                                           (only)  for  the  time
        operate. They are now looking at organising a series of small 'pop up markets' in                                                      being  from  10am  until
        villages around the county. The Clerk had been in discussion with the market co-                                                       12 noon.
        ordinator  regarding  the  possibility  of  holding  a  small  market  on  Souls  Moor  in
        August.  The  organisers  are  still  looking  at  all  the  logistics  but,  if  successful,  this                                    The  café  will  be  rather
        would be an opportunity for parish producers to showcase their wares. As soon as    different  and  much  more  spread
        dates  and  details  are  confirmed,  we  will  advertise  the  event  throughout  the   out  to  allow  for  social  distancing,
        parish.                                                                             but we are working hard to make it
                                                                                            as  safe  and  as  friendly  as  we

                                                                                            possibly can.
        Community Volunteer Co-Ordinator
                                                                                            If you are interested in helping out
        The Parish Council unanimously agreed to the appointment of Councillor Brenda       in  any  way  please  email  me  on
        House  as  our  Community  Volunteer  Co-Ordinator  formalising  many  of  the  roles
        she already undertakes under one banner. Brenda has for many years organised
        the Salt & Pepper Lunch Club and NeighbourCar scheme and this gives her the         There  will  be  a  covid  safe training
        opportunity to expand the volunteer network that has been set up to help with       session for  all  helpers  on  Friday  4
        the requirements of villages during the Pandemic and hopefully proved a wide        September at 10am.
        reaching service for all to benefit in the future.

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