Page 50 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
                                  BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP                                  overthrown his father in a bloodless coup in 1971, and was trying to bring much
                                                                                           needed investment to the country. SAF was fighting an increasingly bitter guerrilla
                                                                                           war in the southern province of Dhofar, against rebels armed by the Soviet Union,
                                 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be       whose ultimate aim  was  to close  the  Straits  of Hormuz  in  the  North  of Oman,  to
                                 on Tuesday 9  April at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston        stop the flow of oil to Europe.
                                 village hall.
                                                                                           But first, a daunting step.
                                 Workshop  leader  Sandy  Milne  will  be  teaching  us    My  soldiers  would  be
                                 how to create a design entitled Spring in a Ring.  We     mainly   Omanis,   Arab
        have 25 places available, and the class is also open to non-members.  Sandy will   soldiers  who  generally
        supply  items  needed  at  a  cost of £5,  and you  will also need  some  flowers  with   spoke  no  English,  so  I
        small  blooms  –  from  the  garden,  or  purchased,  with  some  foliage  from  the   had  to  learn  Arabic!  In
        garden.  Email or telephone for a full list of requirements if you would like to come.   early   1972   I   went
        Visitors and new members are always welcome.  Your first visit to the club is free of   B e a c o n s f i e l d ,    t h e
        charge.                                                                            services   language
                                                                                           school,  for  three  months
         For  information,  contact  Chairman  Bob  Holman  01305  8482262  or  email      total  immersion  in  the                                                         language.  It  was  hard
                                                                                           work,  but  thankfully  we
                                                                                           were  expected  only  to
                                                                                           be  learning  the  spoken
                                                                                           language,    not   the
                                                                                           written.  Getting  a  grasp
                                                  GARDENING CLUB                           on  the  guttural  Arabic  pronunciation  was  a  challenge.  Whether  I’d  absorbed
                                                                                           enough would become apparent as soon as I spoke or listened to the language in
                                     At our March meeting we tried out a new format.       In June 1972 I arrived in Muscat and flew on down to Salalah in Dhofar to join the
                                     Bridget Kitley gave us  a practical demonstration     Oman  Artillery,  in  action  near  the  mountains  surrounding  the  Salalah  plain.    We
                                     with  members  learning  how  to  divide  and         seconded  Brits  were  totally  integrated  into  the  SAF  structure,  wearing  Omani
        propagate  plants.    We  were  all  getting  our  hands  dirty  handling  compost  and   uniform, and living cheek by jowl with our soldiers. When I arrived, my unit was a
        cutting and dividing plants.  You can divide and root many plants from one big     Battery of 3 troops each with 4 guns with two British and one Omani officer. Within
        one.      You  look  for  the  nodes  and  cut  the  plant  up  and  place  it  in  seedling   a  few  weeks,  it  had  expanded  to  become  a  regiment  of  three  batteries,  each
        compost  and  place  it  under  a  plastic  cover  (a  mini  greenhouse)  and  spray  it   with  4  guns.  Jordan  had  donated  a  quantity  of  guns  which  enabled  the
        regularly. I keep looking at my little rosemary plants  and a few weeks later they   expansion.  We  were  equipped  mainly  with  2   WW  vintage  25pdr  guns.  Our
        don’t look happy but perhaps I should give them more love and time.                soldiers were a mix of Omanis and Baluchis from a tribal area of Pakistan. Speaking
        I am hoping members will go home and do more of these so we can have lots of       and understanding Arabic was vital. Without the language I wouldn’t eat!
        new  Plants  at  the  Plant  sale  and  coffee  morning  which  is  to  be  held  at   I  was  very  soon  promoted  from  acting  captain  to  acting  major,  and  given
        Honeycomb cottage in Shitterton on Saturday 11  May.                               responsibility for about 100 soldiers and 17 guns and mortars. My command was in
        Our next meeting is on 2  April when we have Derek Dexter giving us a talk on all   various  locations  around  the  mountains  surrounding  Salalah.  We  provided  fire
        you  want  to  know  about  Fushsias.    This  is  the  time  of  year  when  one  is  looking   support to our infantry colleagues who were patrolling the enemy held areas to try
        ahead to the summer and Fuchsias are wonderful colourful additions to Summer       to prevent attacks on government held positions and on Salalah itself. My job was
        bedding and baskets                                                                to go out on these patrols to control the heavy weapons and bring down fire. It
                                                                                           was exciting, and at times dangerous work.
        We meet at the Village hall in North Street 7.30 p.m All Welcome
                                                                                           We  often  had  to  climb  up  the  3000-foot  scarp  into  the  mountainous  terrain

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