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April 2024                            April 2024


 POMPEY BOY  -  Ian Ventham
       We had a very interesting evening with a retired lady
 I was a Pompey boy, born in July 1948, just three   army  officer  with  a  talk  called  from  court  shoes  to
 years after the end of the second World War and   combat.  Sally  explained  her  background  as  she
 a  week  before  the  NHS  was  created.  I  was   entered  training  at  the  age  of  27.  She  was
 brought up with my two older brothers in the still   determined  to  be  as  good  if  not  better  than  the
 war-damaged,  gritty,  naval  city  of  Portsmouth.   men. She did combat tours of Bosnia and Sierra Leone. She also liaised with the
 One  of  my  earliest  memories  is  of  going  to  the   royal household as she was the person detailed to co ordinate a royal funeral. All
 local post office with our ration books to collect   this accompanied by a splendid slide show.
 c on c e n tr a t e d   Some  members  then  attended  the  Tivoli  theatre  in  Wimborne  to  watch  a
    orange juice. School was at the local primary, but   performance  of  ”some  mothers  do  have  ‘em”.  A  very  clever  script  skilfully
 in 1956 I joined my brothers in the Prep part of the
 Portsmouth  Grammar  School,  (PGS)  a  direct   performed by the amateur dramatic society.
 grant  grammar.  I  remained  there  until  after  A   Soup and sandwich was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. It was topped off
 levels in 1966   by  “monks”  pudding  from a recipe  that  Sue  Stone  had found in  the  Bere Regis
 Dad was a cabinet maker, and later an antique   recipe book.
 furniture  restorer,  so  unusually  for  that  time  we   If  interested  in  the  WI  please  contact  Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322
 had  wheels,  one  of  Dad’s  various,  but  usually
 unreliable,  delivery  wagons.  In  them  we  made   Meetings  on  the  third  Wednesday  of  the  month  at  the  Old  Sports  Club,  North
 weekend forays to the New Forest or Kingley Vale   Street.
 for walks in the countryside and picnics.    Our  speaker  at  our  March  meeting  was  Helen
 Home life was very much centred around church      Baggott, an editor, speaker and writer from Dorset.
 and  church  activities.  Dad  and  my  late  brother   Her  projects  entitled  “Posted  in  the  Past”  started
 Jeremy  (six  years  my  senior)  were  both  servers   with  a  post  card,  bought  by  her  father  at  a  car
 and Mum was on the PCC and ran a fellowship   boot  sale.  Starting  with  a  postcard  from  the  early
 group.                          20   century,  using  genealogy  she  researches  the
                                 families  of  sender  and  receiver  to  reveal  their
 Milton was close to the huge area of Eastney Marshes, and during the holidays
 this  was  my  brother  Philip  (three  years  older  than  me)  and  my  playground,  in   stories.
 which with friends, we made dens, explored abandoned boats, and had huge   “A  10-year-old  servant  working  for  a  laundress  in
 freedom, provided we were home in time for tea.   19 -entury  Bath,  the  man  who  helped  keep  the
                                 doors to Great Ormond Street open for more than
 School  was  quite  academic,  and  in  the  early  years  I  crawled  up  the  lower
 streams. I was in the school Scout Troop, and later in the Combined Cadet Force   30 years, a soldier killed in the First World War –      all
 (CCF).  It  was  these  organisations  with  interesting  and  challenging  camps  and   connected  by  messages  using  the  first  real  social
 activities which led to a late blossoming. We canoed the Rivers Severn and Wye,   media phenomenon of the 20  century.”
 walked over the Cairngorms, did adventurous training with the Coastguard and   April will be our Annual Meeting with May’s meeting
 with  the  Royal  Marines.  Never  a  great  sportsman,  I  found  my  place  eventually   being a talk by Steve Belasco entitled “Confessions
 with rowing and dinghy sailing, and, in the winter, in the ranks of the First Fifteen.   of a Press Photographer”. A visit to Carey’s Secret Garden is also planned for May.
 At  the  age  of  fifteen  I  decided  to  apply  for  an  Army  Scholarship  for  entry  to   Di Pitts.
 Sandhurst.  My  eldest  brother  had  gone  to  Sandhurst  in  1960,  and  Phil  was  to
 follow  him  in  1963.  I  was  also  interested  in  a  military  career  so  I  sent  off  my

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