Page 45 - BR April 2024 - converted
P. 45

April 2024                            April 2024

 In 2008, I decided that it was time to go,
 to let others take on the wonderful task of   Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
 developing and reinvigorating the RNLI. I   approve businesses so you don’t have to.
 received  a  medal  from  the  US  Coast
 Guard marking my service, and retreated   For more information visit or
 to do some consultancy work, and much   call 08454 040506.
 local stuff in Bere Regis!   To report or seek advice about problems you have
        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
 Soldier, sailor, pilot,  Arabist, businessman,
 fundraiser,  charity  project  manager.  I
 have had the most interesting and varied   Website checks to clean up e-commerce
 working  life  possible.  And  it  was  made   Dorset Council Trading Standards have helped with national checks on websites
 possible  only  because  of  the  security  of   for  businesses  offering  renovation  and  repair  work.  The  checks  found  that
 our  home  base,  created  and  sustained   nationally, the vast majority of websites for these trade types, don’t comply with
 by  a  loving  and  supportive  wife  and   the law.
 family. Thank you, Di!
        97% of 184 websites did not comply with relevant consumer protection law.

        85% of websites did not comply with three or more laws.
        14% failed to comply with six or more laws.
        The Trading Standards profession is concerned that this lack of basic information,
        such  as  business  contact  details,  may  make  it  much  harder  for  people  to  get
        things put right, or get a refund if things go wrong.
        The checks also found websites failing to display company registration numbers. A
        registration  number  provides  potential  buyers  with  more  certainty  around  the
        legitimacy  of  a  company.  This  is  even  more  important  given  that  copycat  and
        scam websites can exist.
                                                   Most  businesses  checked  also
                                                   failed  to  mention  whether
                                                   cancellation   rights   existed.
                                                   Such  omissions  can  potentially
                                                   turn customers away, affecting
                                                   a  business’  reputation  and
                                                   This  year  the  national  checks
                                                   focused    on   the   Home
                                                   M a i n t e n a n c e    S e c t o r .
                                                   Businesses  of  all  sizes  were
                                                   included  in  the  check;  small
                                                   and  large,  local  and  national.
                                                   Websites  were  checked  for
                                                   electricians,  general  builders,

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