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April 2023                            April 2023


 Good Friday 7  April Easter Bonnet   We  are  nearly  at  the  end  of  the  WI  year  with
 Parade and Egg Raffle 10am – 12noon at   next  month  (April)  being  our  Annual  Meeting.
 The Village Hall   That  means  it  is  time  to  think  about  becoming
       President,  Secretary,  Treasurer  or  a  Committee
 It’s time to get  making those  Easter  bonnets again  and   Member to help run your WI. We work as a team
 come and join in the fun on Good Friday morning. Donations of Easter Eggs would   so a full compliment of eight members widens the variety of knowledge, skills and
 be  very  welcome  for  our  raffle,  please  drop  them  off  at  the  Hall  on  Friday   ideas. Please think hard and join us as you will get so much pleasure and fun as
 Mornings.   well as helping others in the village. Please contact our President, Mrs. Dian Pitts,
       (01929 471322 ) if you wish to join us at our monthly  meetings at the Bere Regis
 There will be a children’s and an adult bonnet competition so get busy and make   Sports Club on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7. 30 pm.
 those beautiful bonnets.                 Our  "speaker"  from  Dorset  Ginger  last
 We look forward to seeing you and enjoying one of our popular annual events, all      month was most interesting and amusing.
 are most welcome.                        It  is  a  local  Company  from  Lytchett
                                          Matravers who supply award winning non-

                                          alcoholic  drinks  containing  ginger  of
 Pop In Place AGM Friday 12  May 10.30am    course  all  over  the  country  and  locally
 The Pop In Place will hold its AGM please do come along if you are interested in   can be purchasd from Holme Nursery.
 all the work we do, we would love to have some new volunteers and committee   We  were  able  to  sample  all  the  different
 members.                                 drinks from Sicilian Lemonade, Apple Juice
 Please  do  give  me  a  call  if  you  want  to  know  more  about  what  we  do.  01929   with a ginger kick, Original Ginger, Strong
 472023                                   Ginger,  Extra  strong  Ginger  and  Extra
                                          Strong  Ginger  with  Cinnamon.  Some  of

                                          these  samples  left  us  gasping  for  breath
 Pop In Place Movement to Music Classes    and caused lots of laughs but it was a very
                                          enjoyable   evening   and   we   could
 The classes will take a holistic approach to wellbeing.  They are primarily designed
 to promote physical health by helping people of all ages and abilities stay or get   purchase  all  the  different  items  which
 more  active,  improve  overall  fitness,  muscle  strength  and  joint  flexibility  using  a   did also include a book with suggestions
 combination  of  chair  based  exercises  and  dance/gentle  aerobics  based   for  "ginger"  cocktails  and  recipes  for
 ones.  Over time I will be creating some simple routines for some of the exercises   ginger  drizzle  cake  and  dorset  apple
 as this can help with cognitive functioning.   All  the exercises will be to music to   cake.
 promote mental health and well-being and where possible, movements can be
 adapted so that people with movement limitations can still join in. There is also no   Our  SoupaSandwich  lunch  was  well
 pressure on anyone to do all the exercises and if anyone wants to sit out any of   attended  for  its  first  "outing"  and
 them  they  will  be  very  welcome.  The  classes  will  be  in  a  friendly  relaxed   members seemed to enjoy a chance to
 atmosphere where everybody will be made very welcome.   chat and lunch. All being well we hope
       to repeat this mini event after Easter.
  The classes are 45 minutes in duration and will be held every Monday from 11am-
 11:45 at the Village Hall.    Ten  members went to the Tivoli Theatre
       in  Wimborne  for  the  performance  of
 The cost is £4 per class payable on arrival at the hall   "Bedroom Farce" and agreed it was an
       enjoyable  afternoon's  entertainment.

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