Page 39 - apr2023
P. 39

April 2023                                                                           April 2023

       BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                                                              Enquiries   about    the    classes   can    be    emai led    to   me
                                                                                            at or telephone enquiries can be made via Lyn
       ENVIRONMENT GROUP                                                                    Simmonds on 01929 471528

       With  brighter,  longer  and  warmer  days  the  signs  of                           Pop In Place Community Café Bere Regis, Be brave and take
       Spring  are  now  all  around  us.  There  are  a  whole                             that step…
       bunch of firsts about to happen - bluebells will soon be
       adorning  our  local  woods,  the  swallows  will  soon  be                          Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we are at the Community Café at
       arriving  (do  let  us  know  when  you  see  your  first),                          the Village Hall North Street to welcome everyone who walks through the door.
       various  butterflies  will  be  on  the wing,  the first  leaves
       will be unfurling and much more.                                                     We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and
                                                                                            helping at events.

                                                                                            Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.
       Our Volunteers

       You will be able to see many of these ‘first’ sights along the riverside path, helped
       by the conservation work our volunteers have been doing over the past years to       Pop In Place Work shop and Repair Shop
       create  a  wider  range  of  habitats.  A  very  big  thank  you  to  all  our  volunteers.   A variety of bird boxes and planters are for sale call in on
       Come late Autumn the conservation working parties will resume. We hope to see
       you there.                                                                           Friday morning to see them
       The final task of the volunteers this season was to plant about 30 trees of various   We  are  a  small  group  meeting    on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,
       species alongside the path by the school and Souls Moor. These trees should form     making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and
       an impressive avenue in years to come and add to the variety of natural habitats     drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
       locally. The trees were grown from seed gathered locally.                            that is available for people to play a game.
                                                                                            If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own

       The crucial importance of helping to stop insect decline                             small project, call in and see us  you will be very welcome.

       A lot has been said about the decline in insect population. We get excited about
       butterfly  sightings  but  they  are  a  minute  percentage  of  the  insect  population.   Pop In Performers Group
       Moths  and  beetles  are  in  incredible  decline.  These  little  creatures  are  at  the   The Performers group is back with lots of new faces and enthusiasm, working on
       bottom end of the food chain.                                                        the  summer  production  of  “The  Jungle  King”  this  promises  to  be  a  fantastic
                                                  We  have  heard  and  read  a  lot        combination  of  song,  dance  and  creativity  with  Lions,  Tigers,  Giraffes,  Zebras,
                                                  about the importance of having            butterflies, birds of paradise and tribesmen. Recreating the songs from the Jungle
                                                  bee friendly plants for pollinating       book,    the  Lion  King,  and  a  few  more  just  to  surprise  you.  The  shows  are  to  be
                                                  insects. However, in our gardens          staged in June on
                                                  we mustn’t forget the other part          Thursday    June  15  6pm
                                                  of  insects’  life  cycle  –  in
                                                  particular  small  holes  in  soil        Friday         June 16  7pm
                                                  banks and walls left undisturbed
                                                  and a small pile of rotting wood          Saturday    June 17  2pm        see poster in this magazine.
                                                  which  can  be  home  for  small
                                                  beetles  and  other  small  insects.
                                                  There  plenty  of  information  on        Blankets for Bere and Beyond
                                                                                            The Pop In Place have recently donated some lovely blankets to Angelbury Court

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