Page 47 - apr2023
P. 47

April 2023                                                                           April 2023

       OVER THE HILL                                                                                                              chlorine being added to comply with
                                                                                                                                  safety  regulations.  There  are  solar
                                                                                                                                  covers which keep the residual heat
       What is happening with our weather? In the March magazine I wrote about the                                                in  overnight  and  raise  the  water
       buds bursting on the contorted hazel by our front gate, buds on roses, hydrangea,                                          temperature  during  the  day  from  a
       and also on the hawthorn on wayside hedges but what is the situation now, at a                                             chilly 16C to a more comfortable 20C
       later date? The answer is very little. What looked as a very early spring awaiting us,                                     plus  .  The  pool  measures  35  metres
       turned out to be a very cold few days and getting colder as we near the middle                                             long  and  10  metres  wide  and  it  is
       of March. As you read this in April I hope that the weather has improved before                                            claimed to be the largest freshwater
       the frost damages all this early growth.                                                                                   outdoor pool in the south west.

       It hasn’t all been depressing, we have seen a wonderful display of snowdrops on                                            I spent a while with Barnaby Dicken,
       the  roadside,  in  gardens  and  in  the  Turnerspuddle  churchyard.  There  has  also                                    the  enthusiastic  chairman  of  the
       been a  wonderful  display of celandines for  weeks,  again  on the roadsides  and   committee  and  its  secretary  Marion  Symes.  They  shared  with  me  their  natural
       anywhere where grass grows and especially in the Bere Regis churchyard, where        enthusiasm and passion for the pool and their plans for the future. The pool is now
       there  is  a  wonderful  display  and  although  the  flowers  are  normally  fairly  short   owned by Chagford Council and run
       lived,  in  the  churchyard  they  appear  to  be  lasting  a  long  time.  This  may  be   by Chagford Pool committee which is
       because the flowers have in fact been in a sleeping mode for long periods. The       affiliated  to  Chagford  Recreational
       petals of mature celandines have remained closed for most of the cold days. On       Trust  thus  gaining  tax  relief  from  any
       Thursday 9 .March I was quite surprised to see all the celandine flowers closed up   income and building work.
       at almost two pm in the afternoon, I hope these blossoms can survive for a while
       yet.  In  fact  I  think  we  should  be  praying  for  a  resurrection  of  these  wonderful   It  had  of  course  been  a  very  poor
       spring  blossoms,  even  though  they  are  growing  in  the  churchyard,  however  on   summer  with  many  challenges  to
       Sunday 12  March after leaving the church around 12.30am, the celandines were        overcome.  The  pool  had  to  be  filled
       in a glorious array of wide open blossoms even though they did not know I was        three times in May before it opened in
       going to be there?.                                                                  one  of  the  few  periods  of  fine
       We must however move on to other things and I want to mention the lack of wild
       birds  in  our  neighbourhood.  Even  wood  pigeons  now  seem  to  be  a  rarity  and
       smaller  birds  such  as  robins,  tits  of  all  kinds,  sparrows,  finches  all  seem  to  have                           weather.  No  admission  charge  was
       deserted  us.  Is  this  common  to  all  local  areas  or  is  it  just  us?  I  would  be  very                           made on that first day, but £800 was
       interested to what you have to say.                                                                                         made  on  donations,  season  ticket
       It is not often that I ask for answers but occasionally I can become a good listener                                        sales  and  refreshments.  The  pool
       and in this case I can try hard. I haven’t been listening recently but I have been                                          does  a  steady  trade  in  tea,  coffee,
       watching, That is of course on television, for example I have been watching that                                            and  flapjacks  as  well  as  selling  its
                                                  wonderful,  96  year  old  great                                                 famous  Chagford  Pool  mug.
                                                  environmentalist,   Sir   David                                                  Wetsuits are available for hire for the
                                                  Attenborough  at  the  start  of his                                             less  hardy  and  there  is  a  thriving
                                                  new  series  Wild  Isles,  and  Chris                                            bring and buy rack of second hand
                                                  Packham, who is a local, being                                                   books!
                                                  a resident of the New Forest and          The  committee  has  certainly  been  busy  organising  various  fund  raising  events.
                                                  to  change  to  a  much  younger          There is to be a coffee morning and a pudding evening, a tribute band later in
                                                  20 year old, Swedish lady, Greta          November  and  they  were  organising  an  end  of  season  barbecue  on  23 .
                                                  Thunberg, all three of whom are           September, the last day of the season. The day after my visit there was to be a
                                                  truly  great  conservationists  and       model boat day where patrons were being invited to bring their boats and have
                                                  present wonderful programmes.             a picnic.

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