Page 46 - apr2023
P. 46

April 2023                            April 2023

 The  committee  gets  a  small  grant  from  the  council  each  year  to  pay  for   RECIPE OF THE MONTH
 lifeguarding  training  but  apart  from  this,  gets  no  further  help  from  any  official
 body and is entirely self-funded.    Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites

 Despite the vagaries of the weather, the pool is well used. On the afternoon of my
 visit, as the sun came out,  it  filled  with  families  and groups  of youngsters  out  to
 enjoy the day.   Easter Biscuits

 The time had come for my swim and
 I retired to the gents changing room.
 I noticed a bird besting in the rafters
 and  you  could  see  its  tail  just   Ingredients
 peeping  over  the  bits  of  twig  and      8oz self -raising flour
 bracken adding to the tranquillity of
 the place.       5oz butter
 As  I  emerged  from  the  changing
 rooms,  there  were  young  children      4oz caster sugar
 playing with the plastic ducks in the
 small paddling pool. They were lining      1 egg beaten
 them  up  in  a  certain  order  lovingly
 watched  by  their  mum  and  dad.      ½ tsp nutmeg
 Sometimes we miss the simple pleasures of life!
                ½ tsp cinnamon
 I waded into the shallow end and plunged under the rope dividing the remaining
 25 metres. As I began my swim, I had the pleasant sensation of the taste of river      2oz dried fruit
 water. The pool bottom was suffering a little with the poor season causing a little
 algae to accumulate but otherwise this was perfect!
 Chris King, the lifeguard stood by
    chatting  to  a  group  of  young   Heat the oven to Gas 4, 180C, 350F
 lads  who  seemed  remarkably
 well behaved. Chris was one of a   1.   Lightly grease or line a baking tray
 group of lifeguards organised by   2.   Rub  together  the  butter  and  the  flour  (to  resemble
 Sue to provide cover throughout   breadcrumbs) or whizz together in a food processor
 the summer.
           3.    Add the egg, nutmeg, cinnamon, dried fruit and mix together
 This  is  a  very  special  place,  a
 pool  with  its  own  atmosphere   4.   Chill for 30 mins in the fridge
 and  sense  of  fun.  There  are  still
 improvements  to  be  made  and   5.   Roll out to biscuit thickness and use a round cutter.
 the   committee   has   been   6.   Place on the baking tray and cook for approx 10 mins, cool and
 circulating   a   questionnaire   enjoy.
 asking  local  people  what  they
 want. However, the whole ethos is one of timeless tranquillity and there is still a will
 to preserve this well into the future.

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