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April 2023                                                                           April 2023
       WILD WOODBURY                                                                        in Wareham. We still have some left so if you need one let us know.

       It’s currently mid-March, and as I walk across  Wild  Woodbury, there are signs of   Pop In Place Food Crisis Support
       Spring popping up all over the place; Speedwell is beginning to flower in the ex-
       arable  fields, the  first Blackthorn blossom is  emerging,  and the woodland  in  the   The  Pop  In  Place  have  a  Food  Crisis  Project.  We  have  gained  some  limited
       middle of  Wild  Woodbury  is  bursting  with  Bluebell  floret  just  waiting to bloom.  A   funding  to  provide  one  off  crisis  packs  for  people  in  the  Parish  in  a  critical
       queen Bumblebee flies past me and looks to find these nectar sources that are so     situation, with no food.
       important  for invertebrates that  can  be seen  early in  the year. I’ve  also seen a
       few  butterflies  around,  including  a  Comma  and  Red  Admiral,  ones  that  would   We ask for donations of money, rather than food so that we can be very specific
       have overwintered  as  adults  and decided  to  come  out  on  a particularly  sunny   about what is put into the packages, ensuring it is of most use.
       day. There is going to be plenty more to discover on site this coming year.          If you need this service please email in confidence, and
       We have recently had a group from Planet Purbeck at Woodbury, helping us to          we will help.
       further our hydrological restoration by smashing many of the field drains that are
       taking water from the landscape. Planet Purbeck are a community organisation,
       bringing  people  together  to  care  for  our  countryside,  coast,  and  communities.   Up and coming events at the Pop In Place
       They’re focussed on practical action, from beach cleans and sowing wildflower        Good Friday 7  April Easter Bonnet parade and egg Raffle 10am – 12noon
       meadows, to helping us smash up some field drains, and everything in between.
       There are several ‘Planet’ groups around, including Planet Wimborne and Planet       Friday 5  May Coronation Party cream tea 2pm -4pm
       Shaftsbury which I’ve been in contact with. If interested, it’s well worth getting in   June 15  16  17   “The Jungle King” Tickets available 1  May
       touch and keeping up to date with all their actions.

                                             To further our ecological recording this
                                             year,  I’ve  been  in  contact  with           Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
                                             Lindsay  Carrington  Ecological
                                             Consultancy, a company based near              For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023
                                             Corfe Castle that I showed around site
                                             last  year.  They  very  kindly  offered  to
                                             survey  the  site  for  Dormice  and
                                             brought  most  of  their  team  to  site  in
                                             early March to set out surveying tubes.
                                             If you are walking around site, you will                             BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP
                                             likely  see  many  of  these  in  the
                                             hedgerows – I believe there are about
                                             700  of  them  in  total!  Dormice                                    The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be on
                                             hibernate  over  Winter,  often  in  logs                             Tuesday  11   April  at  2pm  in  Winterborne  Kingston
       and  leaves  at  the  base  of trees, or  just beneath the ground  to avoid any  cold                       village  hall.   This is  a workshop led by  Carrie Diamond
       weather.  They  make  nests  out  of  grass  and  leaves,  and  are  largely  nocturnal,                    on the subject of foliage manipulation.
       climbing  trees  at  night  to  find  food,  mainly  consisting  of  hazelnuts,  insects,  and              Visitors and new members are always welcome, and if
       berries. We don’t know if we have them at Wild Woodbury yet, it is very exciting
       that we will be finding out over this Summer when the tubes get checked by the                              it is your first visit to the club, it is free of charge.
       staff. It’s  worth  noting  that  these  are  protected  species  and  you  should  not  be
       checking for them or handling them without a licence.
       We have been doing a lot of clearing up over the past month. The farmyard had
       a  large  area  of  mature  bramble,  a  great  species  for  nesting  birds  and

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