Page 80 - br-april-2022
P. 80

April 2022                            April 2022

 However, Adrian, Bell Tower Captain, secretly organised a special recording with   permitted  the  construction  of  the  lagoon.  One  condition  required  that  a
 the team, ably assisted by Moira and sent this to us with the message that they   community liaison group be established. The Parish Council has worked with the
 couldn’t ring in person but sent their love from Bere Regis across the miles. When I   landowner, Dorset Council, and Puddletown Area Parish Council to establish this
 heard of this I was overcome with emotions and a sense of love.   group  which  comprises  representatives  from  the  planning  authority,  both  parish
       councils, and the villages of  Affpuddle and Southover/Tolpuddle.  The group will
 We  forwarded  the  recording  to  Rebecca  and  the  peal  was  played  at  their   meet again on the 23  March and representatives will discuss all concerns that
 wedding  ceremony.  We  were  lucky  enough  to  watch  the  ceremony  via  a  live   have  been  brought  to  their  attention.  Any  local  resident  wishing  to  make  a
 zoom link . It was a beautiful ceremony and the peal was fabulous. I wasn’t there   representation for the group to consider should initially contact the Parish Council
 in person but as Rebecca said it was as if Bere Regis was there with her and she   Clerk by emailing
 felt the love in that glorious sound.

 So,  congratulations  to  you  wonderful  team,  you  made  the  day  even  more
 special. The sound of your bells was heard loud and clear all the way across the   Tractor and Trailer Movements of Straw
 world in Australia.    The Parish Council has also been made aware of large vehicle movements and
 Thank you all so much, from Fiona Dodd   large  amounts  of  straw  creating  a  nuisance  across  the  Parish  including
       Briantspuddle.   Anyone wishing to report these traffic movements, together with
       as much detail as possible can email the Parish Clerk



        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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