Page 82 - br-april-2022
P. 82

April 2022                            April 2022

 since. Their cities under siege; their neighbours forced to flee; their children taking   the wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables in the shop – we really are not your
 up arms: it is difficult to be hopeful for them.   normal village shop.
 Of course, in both Lebanon and in Ukraine glimpses of hope are clearly visible. In   For  those  who  are  new  to  the  area  or  who  are  perhaps  not  familiar  with  the
 Beirut the streets are full as people meet, drink the best coffee in the Levant, eat   village  shop  we  are  a  community  benefit  society.  We  are  a  not  for  profit
 kebabs,  converse,  and  go  about their business.  The graffiti is poignant:  Martyr’s   organisation  and  we  mark  up  the  produce  by  a  small  amount  to  cover  our
 Square  contains  portraits  of  the  200+  citizens  who  were  killed  in  the  2020  blast,   overheads  which  in  themselves  are  minimal.  No  one  takes  a  wage  or  claims
 bearing  the  hashtag  ‘They  Matter’.  We  hear  similar  stories  from  the  cellars  and   expenses so that we can make sure are prices are as low as possible. In fact our
 trenches  of  Kyiv  and  from  Ukraine’s  other  cities,  stories  of  great  courage  and   Curtis’ meat, Italian and Williams bread are all the same price as if you purchase
 great  compassion.  Faced  with  desperate  odds  men  and  women  retain  their   from their own shops.
 humanity; they dig deep and discover the resilience that they need to help them
 survive.    We collect fresh bread from Williams in Wool on Monday’s and Thursdays.  Meat
       from  Curtis’  and  Bread  from  Italian  Bakers  on  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays.
 But these are only glimpses. What about secure and lasting hope for Lebanon, for   Watercress  on  Fridays  (did  you  know  we  are  the  only  local  shop  to  sell  “The
 Ukraine,  for  South  Sudan,  for  Syria?  Contrary  to  my  taxi  driver’s  fatalistic   Watercress Company”.
 resignation  the  Easter  hope  promises  that  “We  will  not  all  die,  but  we  will  be
 changed”. Where is that hope to be found in these acutely distressed corners of   Newspapers seven days a  week. The post office is open Monday to Friday and
 our world?   the shop 7 days a week.
 I  have  no  answer.  All  I  can  do  is  read  the  Easter  story  again.  All  I  can  do  is   No mean feat for a small parish.
 remember  that  on  Palm  Sunday  the  disciples  of  Jesus  surely  had  no  thought   Its success is dependent on 2 key things
 whatever of his imminent arrest and trial. All I can do is remember that on Good
 Friday  they  surely  had  no  thought  whatever  of  the  future  of  their  mission  –  no   1 – you coming into shop – we can’t maintain the wide range of  fresh produce
 thought  at  all  beyond  the  cold,  solid  certainties  of  his  deadly  wounds  and  the   unless it is sold each week
 rock-hewn tomb.  All I can do is  remember  that on  the  first  Easter  morning their
 earth-shattering realization that Jesus lived must have been beyond description –   2 – volunteers working in the shop and collecting from our various suppliers.
 a new reality that none of them had imagine or foreseen.   We are happy to take orders either by phone or email.
 I think that’s what hope looks like - this Lent.   We would like there always to be a wide range of fresh produce, fruit and veg,
       bread and meat. Not just for those who find it difficult to go to the supermarket
       but  for  all  of  us.  So  please  add  “use  the  village  shop”  to  your  list  of  weekly
       reminders. It really does make a difference.
 THANK YOU BELLRINGERS   We had to delay our AGM from January and it is now on Friday 29th April 2022 in
       the village hall at 7.00pm. This will cover 2 financial years and bring us up to date.
       It’s a great opportunity for us to all meet and recognise the value the shop brings
 A big thank you to the bell ringing team of St   to the community. And if you don’t want to come just to hear the update please
 John The Baptist  church  in Bere Regis.    come and join us for a glass of Wine and some nibbles – all are welcome! – after
 I  wanted  to  say  a  very  big  thank  you  to  the   all, the opportunities to socialise over the last couple of years have been limited.
 bell  ringing  team  for  their  special  gift  of  a   Thank you for continuing to support our Village shop.
 wedding  peal  recorded  for  my  daughter,
 Rebecca, to be sent to Melbourne, Australia.   To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
       by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to
 Unfortunately, no-one from the UK was able to   deliver.
 be  present  at  the  ceremony  in  Melbourne
 when  Rebecca  married  Nicholas  Chan.  As   Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop.
 you can imagine this was very sad for us.

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