Page 75 - br-april-2022
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April 2022                                                                           April 2022

       MATRAVERS                                                                            BERE HEATH METHODIST
       Castle Players is pleased to present our Spring production
       of  Still  Alice.  Alice  Howland  is  a  professor  in  cognitive
       psychology  and  at  50  years  old  she  starts  to  grow                           Here  is what’s happening at Bere Heath Chapel in April.
       forgetful. Her husband and children watch as she learns to                           Sunday 3  April – Our Monthly service at 2pm which will
       live with dementia and as her world slowly slips away.                               be  led  by  Rev  John  Yarrien   who  is  the  Superintendent
                                                                                            Minister of the Dorset South and West Circuit which Bere
       Still  Alice  will  be  directed  by  Deanna  Langford,  who  previously  direct  our
       production  of  The  Elephant  Man  and  we  know  that  she  will  do  this  play  just  as   Heath is part of .
       much justice.
       The show will run from 18 -21  May with showings at 7:30pm. Tickets are available
       on our website and are just £10.  All of the profits will be
       donated to Alzheimer’s Society. We really hope that you will come and see the
       There is still a chance to get involved with set building, front of house and back
       stage – all details on how to join can be found on our website or you can email with your questions.

                                                                                            Easter Sunday 17  April -   Afternoon Holy Communion  Service  for Easter Day at
                                                                                            2pm  ,  led  by  Rev  Gwyneth  Owen  and  Peter  Jenner.  Tea/Coffee  served  after
                                                                                            Craft  and  Kids  Afternoon’s  will  be  on  Saturday  April  30   from  2.30-3.30pm
                                                                                            (Note:not Saturday 23  April as stated in March Parish Magazine).
                                                                                            Various activities for children with Tea/Coffee for parents and juice for children.
                                                                                            Also involves cake/buns. All welcome.
                                                                                            Sunday 5  June   (Pentecost Sunday and  Jubilee weekend )we shall be having
                                                                                            our usual monthly service which will include afternoon tea. Watch out for further
                                                                                            We look forward to welcoming you to our services or activities.

                                                                                            Blessings and best wishes to you All
                                                                                            Peter Jenner.  Lay Worker – Tel: 07973278791

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