Page 85 - br-april-2022
P. 85

SMALL ADS                                                                                                   April 2022
                                       April 2022
                                                                                                                    frontal,  apparently  watching  them  all  like  a  hawk,
                                                         Sharon Dobson                                              and warning, “DON’T PRICK YOUR FINGER !”
          Village Hall                                                                                              One  of  Kay’s  final  beautiful  creations  was  a  lovely
         Available for Hire for private                                                                             pearl-embroidered bride’s headdress for Sarah, John
         parties or regular meetings.                    Find out how I can help you                                and Pat’s daughter, and they have kindly lent me the
       Please note that the main Hall is                  transform the look of your                                photograph  of  Sarah  looking  very  lovely  in  it  at  her
          on an upper level, we do                                                                                  wedding.
         however  have a chair lift.                             home.
         There is a smaller room also                   Bespoke handmade curtains                                   You can clearly see not only the pearls, but also the
          available for meetings                          and alterations, Roman
       The Hall hire cost is £8 per hour for             blinds, soft furnishings and                               intricately  raised  and  padded  embellishments  at
              both rooms                                    upholstery projects                                     which Kay excelled.
        For hire and booking enquiries
              please email                                07960 459834                                              Knowing  all  this,  I  shall  enjoy  even  more  than  usual
                                                                                      seeing the Easter frontal, and I hope you do too.
          01929 471528                        
                                                                                                                                                    Rosemary Cleave
        Toes and Fingers         Purbeck                     Problems?

         Toe and finger nail    Plumbing                                                    CHURCH CLEANING ROTA
        cutting service in your                           Email & internet support
             own home            Boiler services,         Wireless networking setup        28 March – 10 April            Bernie Lightfoot  Vikki Mayo
                                      repairs and
                                                           PC and Laptop repairs
         Toe nail cutting £15    installation.  Drains and   Virus and malware removal
        Finger nail cutting £12   waste pipes unblocked.     No call-out charge            11 – 24 April                  Paula Kent  Penny Pitcher
                                                         Over 20 years’ experience
        Both treatments £18        Call Steve Iles on         Call Alan on :               25 April – 8 May               Nancy Jones  Jill Marsden

             Call Kay on            01929 550858            01929 480529
          01202 280492 or           07831 312740            07710 835905                   SANCTUARY FLOWER GUILD
           07968 290333

           Interested in            A ‘Small Ad’ like these is only £70 a                  2nd      Lent                   No Flowers
            playing or
        learning croquet?         year and is a great way for advertisers                  9th      Lent                   No Flowers
                                       to ensure that their contact                        16th     Decorate for Easter
                                     information is always to hand for
                  Phone:                                                                   23rd     Easter Flowers         Please tidy our own arrangement
                                            potential customers.
            01929 472204
            07980 258932           The most cost effective form of local                   30th     Easter Flowers         Please tidy our own arrangement

          No fees involved.                      advertising.                                       Continued

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