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April 2022                            April 2022

 bring  them  to  the  UK.  There  will  be  no  visa  fee,  language  tests  or  salary   The  Borneo  Expedition  will  now  take  place  in  the  summer  of  2023  in  order  that
 requirements for them to be able to come. The government is also setting up a   new participants can be fully prepared and the fundraising can be achieved. The
 new community sponsorship scheme to allow for local communities, faith groups   expedition team will be launching the new plans this month.
 and others to sponsor Ukrainian refugees to come and live in the UK. To show our
 commitment,  the  Prime  Minister  has  appointed  a  new  Minister  for  Refugees  to   If  you’re  aged  between  14-18  years  old  and  you  would  like  to  have  fun,  meet
 oversee this process.    new  friends,  experience  new  indoor  and  outdoor  activities,  learn  skills  for  life,
       discover  new  places,  cultures  and  communities,  our  Explorer  Scouts  normally
 I know that thousands of people across Dorset have already been very generous   meet on a Tuesday evening at 7pm (at the Scout Hut or at an activity location).
 in their donations towards the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis. I would urge people   Several  of  our  Leader  team  are  trained  DofE  Supervisors  and  Assessors  to  Gold
 to  donate  money  rather  goods,  particularly  as  the  Polish  Government  have   Award level so you can participate in the DofE scheme and the Queen’s Scout
 recently said:    award alongside our regular programme. For more details and information please
       email Helen on or Julien on
 “We call on everyone wishing to help not to organise further collections of in-kind
 donations, as their transport to Poland – followed by a lengthy unloading, storage,
 selection  and  distribution  procedure  –  generates  disproportionate  amounts  of   Group News
 additional work and cost, which proves ineffective and counterproductive to the
 needs  of  those  affected.  We  encourage  everyone  wishing  to  help  to  organise   Our on-going problem, however, is
 fundraisers and direct donations of funds to verified organisations that will use the   with  adult  help.  As  you  can
 funds received for assistance provided in accordance with the strict needs and   imagine, looking after 80 energetic
 effective operation in the long term.”   and  enthusiastic  youngsters
       requires  a  lot  of  adult  supervision
 You  can  find  out  more  ways  to  help  on  my  website,  including  links  to  charities   and we are always on the look-out
 working in and near Ukraine, and refugee charities closer to home.    for  more  volunteers-  either  in  the
 As President Zelensky reminded us, the joint prize of peace and freedom is never   ‘uniformed  branch’  as  Leaders
 quite secured, and therefore we must always do everything we can to support   and  Assistant  Leaders,  or  as  non-
 those who defend it.   uniformed  occasional  helpers.  We
       also  need  some  help  on  our
 Please do get in touch if you need help and support, including   Executive Committee which meets
 if  you  have  family  fleeing  Ukraine.  You  can  contact  me  via   around 3 times a year and manages the Group with such matters as finance and
 email or call my office on   fund-raising,  looking  after  our  Headquarters  building,  meeting  requests  for  new
 01202 624216.   equipment and resources from our active Sections, etc
       You may have an existing or latent skill which we could use – an outdoor activity,
       a  craft,  musical  ability,  cooking  and  catering,  first  aid,  financial  experience,
       carpentry, building maintenance, gardening, etc, etc – there is practically no limit
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT   to the life skills and opportunities we introduce our youngsters to! Some roles may
       require training which is provided for free, much of it now on-line.
 Michael Tomlinson MP       If you are at all interested in helping us to continue to provide this much-needed
 holds regular surgeries   and popular youth provision in the local community, please get in touch with me,
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   Phil  Ventham  or  01929  471215  or  any  of  the  Scout
       Leaders who you might know.
 details of forthcoming   
 surgeries or to make an      PS We have bags of firewood for sale - £5 per bag – proceeds towards the 2023
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   Expedition to Borneo. Contact Julien Lightfoot on 07710 944434 or 01929 472277
 contact his office.

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