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April 2022                                                                           April 2022
                                                                                            NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
       SURGERY NEWS                                                                         Kyiv  is  about  1,400  miles  from  Mid  Dorset  and  North
                                                                                            Poole. And yet in recent days we have all felt much
                                                                                            closer to the Ukrainian people than ever before.
                                                                                            I  was  in  Parliament  last  month  when  President
        It’s amazing how this year is flying past, and                                      Zelensky addressed the House of Commons via video
        Easter is nearly upon us.                                                           link in an unprecedented event that moved us all. He
        The Practice Will be closed on Good Friday                                          said that the people of Ukraine had chosen “to be”
        and Easter Monday (15  and 18  April), re-opening Tuesday 19  April at 08.30.       rather than “not to be”. That they would continue to
                                                                                            fight “in the forests, in the fields, on the shores and on
        If you need medical assistance whilst we are closed, please phone 111.  If you      the streets. We will fight till the end. At sea. In the air.
        have a medical emergency, phone 999                                                 We will continue fighting for our land whatever the cost.”

                                                                                            We  have  all  seen  the  harrowing  pictures  and  footage  of  the  damage  and
        Questionnaire                                                                       destruction that Putin’s forces are wreaking on Ukraine. Some people are calling
                                                                                            for a no-fly zone above Ukraine, enforced by NATO. Whilst this might seem like a
        Thank  you  to  everyone  who  took  the  time  to  complete  our  Dispensary       solution, it would lead to escalation. Enforcing a no-fly zone would mean NATO
        questionnaire.  We still have some copies if anyone would like to fill one in.  They   (possibly  British)  forces  would  have  to  shoot  down  any  Russian  planes  that
        are available at the Dispensary hatch.                                              ignored the order. Russia would see this as a hostile act, and  would retaliate -
        In  response  to  one  of  the  questions  regarding  Dispensary  opening  hours,  a   possibly using nuclear weapons.
        percentage  of  patients  would  like  the  Dispensary  to  open  earlier.    From   That’s why the West has instead resolved to do all it can by other means to make
        Wednesday 6  April and for each Wednesday thereafter, the Dispensary hatch          sure that Putin fails in his misguided and totally unnecessary quest to take lands
        will be open for patients to collect medication from 08.00 – 11.30.                 and territories that do not belong to him.
                                                                                            Sanctions  are  most  effective  when  they  are  coordinated  with  other  countries,
       FIRST THURSDAY CLUB                                                                  and so it is excellent news that so much of the free world has come together,
                                                                                            including countries such as Switzerland, South Korea and New Zealand that have
                                                                                            not  historically  implemented  sanctions.    These  sanctions  are  wide-ranging,
       UGENTLY NEEDED OVER 50 YEAR OLDs who like tea and                                    involving  both  companies  and  individuals,  and  can  include  trade,  movement
       cake!  Yes, its back the New look Autumn Leaves after two                            and financial sanctions.
       years absence for Covid.                                                                                                          We  must  continue  to  act
                                                                                                                                         however  we  can  within  the
       Starting first Thursday of the month 7  April, 2.30 pm at the Scout Hut                                                           law  to  put  pressure  on  those
       Come for a chat, tea and cake not a coffee morning but afternoon tea.  We are                                                     who  are  close  to  Putin’s
       having  live  entertainment,  Paul  Openshaw  is  coming  all  the  way  from  Egdon                                              regime.  I  recently  voted  on
       Close to provide  entertainment SONGS STORIES AND POEMS ( I THINK)                                                                emergency  legislation  which
                                                                                                                                         has made it easier to do so.
       We  are  looking  for  new  members,  and  ideas  to  take  this  group  forward  post
       Covid.  Please contact Susan Stone on 01929 472083                                                                                New steps are also being put
                                                                                                                                         in  place  to  allow  Ukrainians
       If  anyone  who is  prepared  to  give  short  entertaining    talks  or  entertainment  on                                       f l e e i n g    R u s s i a n
       any  subject  please  contact  Sylvia  Bayliss  472627  who  is  putting  forward  a                                              bombardment  to  come  to
       programme for future first Thursdays.                                                                                             the UK. Anyone settled in the
                                                                                                                                         UK  with  Ukrainian  family  can
       Initial first meeting Cost £3.00 to include tea and a raffle ticket  A bargain !

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