Page 68 - br-april-2022
P. 68

April 2022                            April 2022

 attractive  and  easier.  This  very  lucrative  market  means  that  puppies  are  being     Why not join us on the river you people from the West?
 sold from unlicensed breeders, too often without any consideration of the welfare
 and  environmental  needs  of  the  puppy.  An  unlicensed  puppy  breeder  is   Join us in the carnival, friendliness is best.
 someone who does not have a dog breeding licence but who earns more than   Join in with the singing, give your hearts a whirl;
 £1000  per  year  from  selling  puppies.  Dorset  Council  has  updated  its  website   Join us in our dancing as skirts are all a’twirl.
 facilities  to  allow  users  to  check  if  breeders  are  licensed,  to  report  unlicensed
 breeders,  and  tips  on  knowing  what  to  look  for  when  buying  a  puppy.  More   For our customs may be different, but it’s only just in name;
 information on the Council website, Buying and selling Dogs.    Beneath our different cultures, every heart beats just the same.

       Sing with the balalaikas - heart-beats a single beat;
 Fuel Poverty   Cruising on the river Volga, where East and West can meet.

 T h a n k s    t o    g e n e r o u s   Cruising on the river Volga on a bright and sunny day;
 donations  from  residents  in      Everybody’s happy as the balalaikas play.
 Dorset, over £75K have been   Join in with our dancing, and before the music ends,
 raised  to  help  older  people   If you join in with our singing, all the world can be good friends.
 struggling  to  stay  warm  this
 winter.   Dorset   Council,                                    Eileen Richardson
 working  closely  with  The
 D o r s e t    C o m m u n i t y
 Foundation   and   Citizens   Ikea
 Advice  launched  an  appeal                The thought of not doing the trudge,
 earlier   this   year   asking   Have  you  noticed  the  spring  in  my
 people to donate any winter   step?         Has lightened my sense of dread.
 fuel  payments  they  did  not   Can you see the light in my eye?   If she should change her mind,
 need  to  help  others  being   Can you hear the lilt in my voice?   It would seriously screw up my head.
 able  to  afford  heating  their            You’ll  see  steam  coming  out  of  my
 homes  without  scrimping  on   The clouds have all gone from the sky.   ears,
 food. According to government estimates, there are 19,000 people in Dorset living   If things go according to plan,   As slowly I count one to ten,
 in  fuel  poverty  –  this  means  they  cannot  afford  to  heat  their  home.  As  energy   I will be the happiest of men.
 prices continue to rise, even more older people will be left cold in their homes and   I still can’t believe that she said,   And remind her of the vow she made,
 exposed  to  the  risks  arising  from  their  body  temperature  dropping  too  low.  But   I’m not bringing you with me again.   I’m not bringing you with me again.
 thanks to the generous donations, more vulnerable older people in need will stay
 warm over the coming months.                She must have noticed me yawning.
 The funds have been allocated to Citizens  Advice who are distributing Surviving   Not bringing me back to Ikea.   There can’t be much less exciting.
 Winter grants to those households who are in fuel poverty.   Oh joy, oh rapture, oh bliss.   Whiling away what seems like forever.

       There is nothing I would like less,   The prospect is riot inciting.
 Pupils School’s choice   Than the next Ikea trip, not to miss.   She may need some reminding,
       It’s just not match of the day,       But  I  won’t  let  her  forget  the  time
 On Tuesday 1 March, young people across Dorset found out which school they   when,
 will  be  joining  this  September.  Nearly  98  per  cent  have  been  offered  their  first   And they don’t sell beer, but then,   She happened to mention in passing,
 choice of secondary school and just under 99 per cent offered their upper school   It  won’t  be  a  problem,  since  hearing   I’m not bringing you with me again.
 of choice. 97.69 per cent of pupils due to start secondary school (Year 7) have   the words,   Paul J Openshaw
 been offered their first choice. For those starting upper school (Year 9), 98.64 per   I’m not bringing you with me again.
 cent have been given a place at their preferred school.

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