Page 19 - br-april-2022
P. 19

April 2022                                                                           April 2022

       Bertrand Russell, Herbert Samuel and C.E.M. Joad, who could provide formidable       MORE THAN A MOVIE
       opposition. Asked what gift he would bestow on a newborn child, to ensure a full
       and  happy  life,  Malcolm  Sargent,  while  acknowledging  the  benefits  of  health
       and a sense of humour, had no hesitation in commending a Christian faith.  Given
       that faith, life could be an exciting adventure, and death would lose its sting.    WEST SIDE STORY (2021)
                                                                                           Friday 8th April 2022 at 7.30pm
       He continued to be active into his seventies.  Then doctors broke the news to him
       that  he  was  terminally  ill  with  cancer  of  the  pancreas.    His  faith  was  a  great   Village Hall, The Causeway, Milborne St Andrew
       strength  to  him.   He  told visitors  that it was  a privilege and  advantage to have   DT11 0JX
       good  notice  of  impending  death!    Without  tears,  self-pity  or  regrets  he  passed   Doors and bar open 7.00
       from life to life.
                                                                                           Tickets  cost  £5,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an  ice-
       May the good news of Easter, and the truth of what Jesus gave us by His death       cream.
       and resurrection , that is new life in and through Him, become real to each one of
       us at this special time.                                                            This months movie is Steven Spielberg's adaptation of
                                                                                           the 1957 classic West Side Story.
       In recent weeks we have been overwhelmed by the horror of war that has been
       inflicted  on  the  people  of  Ukraine  by  an  evil  dictator.    As  a  church,  and   Manhattan, Upper West Side, 1957 - against the backdrop of the decaying
       individually, our prayers and thoughts have been constantly with them.  I trust that   tenements in the San Juan Hill neighbourhood two warring gangs - The Jets
       by the time you read this a solution will have been found, and although it will not   and The Sharks are fighting for supremacy when an unexpected romance
       be  possible  for  things  to  return  to  normal,  that  the  fighting  will  have  ceased.    sets the stage for an all out turf war.
       Prayer does make a difference, and God can use a terrible situation, turning it to   CRITICS CONSENSUS
       good in people’s individual circumstances.
                                                                                           Steven Spielberg's West Side Story presents a new look at the classic musical that
        “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and        lives up to its beloved forebear -- and in some respects might even surpass it.
       be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
                                                                                           AUDIENCE SAYS

       Just a smile                                                                        The  acting,  singing,  and  dancing  are  terrific,  and  Steven  Spielberg's  West  Side
                                                                                           Story updates the original without losing its heart.
       “A bishop was to visit the manor house where
       my great-aunt was in service.  The new young
       boots-boy was instructed by the housekeeper
       how to address him.  In the morning he was to                                                                Did you Know?
       go to the bishop’s bedroom door, knock, and
       say:  “It’s  the  boy,  my  Lord”    and  leave  the                                  You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if
       newly cleaned shoes.
                                                                                                                  you live within the parishes.
       Next  morning,  very  nervously,  he  knocked
       gently,  then  confidently  called  out:  It’s  the                                   We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
       Lord, my boy!”                                                                      delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less than you
                                                                                              would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be

       Pull the Other!  There is a danger that when you are old, your illness is thought to                    included on one of these rounds.
       be because you are old.  A gentleman of 104 complained of awful pain in his leg.
       The doctor said: “Well what can you expect at your age?”  The man replied, “My             Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
       other leg is 104 and that hasn’t got a pain!”                                               or  01929 471780

                                                                   Joyce Healey

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