Page 46 - br-april-2020
P. 46

April 2020                                                                           April 2020
                      VILLAGE WEBSITE                                                      attached links give details of the issues they suggest we should explore and also
                                                                                           the action plan we have developed in response to their findings. This has been
       Rodney  Osmond  is  doing  a  fabulous  job  in  keeping  the  village  website  up  to   shared and agreed with all members.
       date with all the latest information about village services and support during the
                                                                                           Li nk   to   Peer    Ch alle ng e   Fee db ac k    R epor t   -   h t tp s :/ /
       coronavirus situation.  Go to and click on the button
                                                                                           Link  to  Peer  Challenge  Action  Plan  -


                                                                                           We  frequently  and  happily  hold  meetings  with  our  constituents  at  a  time  and
                                                                                           place that is mutually convenient to one or other of us. However, for the moment,
                                                                                           we are restricting our meetings to a minimum, however we would be delighted to
                                                                                           ring and talk to you. We will respond to any email or telephone request. Please
                                                                                           ring or email us with the subject matter so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s
                                                                                           email address is telephone 07986600799 and Laura’s is
                                                                                   telephone 07814 569563.
                                                                                                             Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw

                                                                                                 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
                                                                                                 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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