Page 75 - br-april-2019
P. 75

April 2019                            April 2019
       “We  are  here  tonight  to  celebrate  the  very  significant  contribution  that  Eve
 AFFPUDDLE CHURCH NEWS   Badcock has made over the course of the last year, and indeed over decades, to
       community life in our small rural parish.
 AFFPUDDLE CHURCH ROTAS   Eve  (known locally as "Chips") and her late husband Captain Paul Badcock RN,
       played  leading  roles  in  the  establishment  of  the  Briantspuddle  Post  Office  and
       Village Shop as a community run enterprise.  This was undertaken in 2002 following
 Sidesmen, Lesson Readers, Readings, Intercessors and   a  number  of  unsuccessful  attempts  to  hold  onto  the  local  facility  run  on  a
 Chalice   commercial basis.  Shortly after, and following appropriate training, Eve stepped
       into  the  role  of  Postmistress,  a  position  which  comes  with  considerable  financial
 Date   Time   Sidesmen   Lesson Readers   Readings   responsibility, and a role she has held successfully for the last 16 years, recruiting,
 7  April   11am   A Grindrod   R Prideaux   Phil 3: 4b-14   training and managing a succession of willing volunteers as counter staff.  This was
       recognised  in  2012  by  Post  Office  Services  with  a  Community  Service  Award  to
 5  Sunday      R Prideaux   A Grindrod   John 12: 1-8
       mark "10 years of excellent service".
 of Lent
       Last year Eve successfully applied for a grant under a Community Fund operated

 14  April   9.15am   E Moriarty   S Moriarty   Phil 2: 5-11   by the Post Office.  This substantial award was used to meet most of the cost of a
 Palm      S Moriarty   H Menzies   Luke 23: 1-49   major programme of refurbishment for both the post office and shop facilities.  The
 Sunday   result of this effort has transformed a very small space into a modern amenity with
       a firm eye on its future sustainability for the benefit of the whole parish.  Without
 18  April   7pm   Benefice Eucharist at Bere Regis   Eve’s energy and perseverance this initiative would not have got off the ground,
 Maundy   but not content with leaving it there she also acted as joint project manager for
 Thursday   the planning and completion of the work.

       Eve has been a valuable member of the Management Committee of "The Friends
 19  April   2.30pm   ‘Last Hour at the Foot of the Cross’
       of  Briantspuddle  Post  Office  and  Village  Shop  Association  Ltd"  since  its
 Good Friday
       incorporation in 2002.  She is personally to be found behind the post office counter

       at least two days a week and it is not unknown for her to run between this and the
 21  April   9.30am   R Killer   R Killer   Acts 10: 34-43
       shop counter when there is an occasional shortage of volunteers, to say nothing
 Easter      S Sanderson   S Sanderson   John 20: 1-18
       about turning out at all hours if the alarm goes off.
       In  addition  to  this  contribution  to  the  community  each  summer,  for  many  years
 28  April   9.15am   C Parker   S Sanderson   Acts 5: 27-32   now, Eve has thrown her beautiful garden at Cruck Cottage open to the entire
 2  Sunday         tba   John 20: 19-31   community as a venue for the annual church fete. As if this were not enough, she
 of Easter   has  also  allowed  her  kitchen  to  be  used  for  all  the  work  involved  in  serving
       afternoon  teas  to  the  many  visitors  attending  the  fete,  not  to  mention  all  the

 5  May   11am   A Grindrod   R Gainsford   Acts 9: 1-6   washing  up  afterwards.  In  so  doing  Chips  has  put  up  cheerfully  with  scores  of
 3  Sunday      S Wood   S Wood   John 21: 1-19   people from near and far swarming through and around her garden, invading her
       privacy  and  generally  shattering  the  peace  and  tranquillity  of  her  home.
 of Easter
       Furthermore, she has coped uncomplainingly with all the feverish activity for days
       before setting up tents, stalls, tables and chairs, not to mention a bandstand, and
    Intercessions   Chalice   then all the clearing up for several days afterwards.   The fete is the church’s major
 7  April   Celebrant   S Sanderson   fund-raising event in the year and the garden at has provided a wonderful setting
 14  April   tba   S Moriarty   that  has  been  thoroughly  enjoyed  and  appreciated  by  everyone  and  has  also
 21  April   Allan Smith   S Sanderson   given  an  invaluable  boost  to  the  success  of  the  day.  Through  all  of  this  Eves’
       E Whatley   generosity has invariably been warm, charming and absolutely selfless, and we all
 28  April   E Whatley   Allan Smith   owe her an enormous debt of gratitude.
 5  May   Celebrant   E Moriarty

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