Page 70 - br-april-2019
P. 70

April 2019                                                                           April 2019




       We  are  pleased  to  welcome  a  new  instructor  to
       the  hall;  Kathy  Ashdown  has  decided  that  there
       are enough people attending for a viable class on
       a Tuesday morning at 9.30am. The class is a mixed

                                               ability  session  and  payment  options

                                               are: pay on the day or an ‘early bird’
                                               choice at a discount price when you
                                               book  a  block  of  6  sessions  in
                                               advance. Thus far reports of the class
                                               are very good, so if you’re interested,
                                               come  along  and  give  it  a  try.    The
                                               Hall  Trustees  have  to  thank  Jenny
                                               Beedle  for  quickly  locating  a  new
                                               instructor to replace Claire.

       The recent performance by Kokoro, an ensemble of musicians from the BSO was
       interesting  to  say  the  least.  Thought  provoking,  vibrant  and  visceral  were  three
       descriptions, it challenged many of the audience to think of music in a different
       way,  and  it  was  in  the  end,  above  all,  enjoyable!!  Well  done  once  again
       For three seasons now Jenny Beedle has taken on the responsibility of Artsreach
       Promoter  for  Briantspuddle.  The  way  it  works  is  that  you  attend  a  ‘Promoters
       Day’ (held this year on May8th) where some choices of performers are shown and
       you  receive  a  brochure  detailing  all  the  available  performances.  Then  you  go
       away and make your choices based on criteria such as price, available times, the
       size of your venue etc then you submit choices and wait to see your allocations . .
       . and this is just the beginning!
       Jenny  will  be  unable  to  attend  the  promoters  evening  this  year,  and  we  are
       hoping to find a few volunteers to go along. She is also looking for an ‘understudy’
       so  that  some  of  the  decisions  and  organisation  can  be  passed  on  and  in  the

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