Page 71 - br-april-2019
P. 71

April 2019                            April 2019

       fullness of time taken over by another volunteer.
       If you feel interested phone Jenny Beedle on 01929 471002

       As  mentioned  previously  we  are  exploring  the
       purchase  of  new  trestle  tables  to  replace  the
       rather  heavy  and  unwieldy  wooden  trestles
       currently  used  for  events,  hirings  celebrations,
       meals etc. Suitable replacements (which can be
       moved  and  stored  on  trolleys)  have  been
       identified,  and  we  are  considering  payment
       options. We have also agreed to try and sell the
       old  (not  used)  stacking  chairs  currently  stored  in
       the  boiler  room.  If  you  are  interested  in  buying
       any  of  these  defunct  items  in  the  future,  please
       look out for notices.
       There  is  limited  storage  space  at  the  hall  and
       trustees  really  need  to rationalize  the  storerooms
       to maximize the usable space left for the storage
       of useful items. We must also be aware that many
       of the hall users are NOT young and therefore do
       not  need  to  wrestle  with  difficult,  inaccessible,
       sometimes  dangerous  and  often  outdated

       Most  people  should  know  that  there  is  a  piano  in  the  hall,  used  by  the
       Briantspuddle Singers as well as others from time to time. It had been noted that
       the old and rather shabby piano cover did nothing to enhance the appearance
       of the main hall when in use for formal events. The Community Group took this on
       board  and  decided  to  provide  and  pay  for  a  new  (much  smarter)  cover.  I
       wonder if anyone has noticed?

       Thanks to the Community Group for the improvement.


       The lucky winner for February was number 141.

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