Page 74 - br-april-2019
P. 74

April 2019                                                                           April 2019
       benefit  being  large  lorries  will  have  more  room  to  negotiate  the  corner  saving   Flowers and Cleaning Rota
       further erosion of the verge.  The scaffolding company will be asked to move their
       equipment right back.                                                               Date:            Flowers:            Cleaning:
                                                                                           6 April        Lent                  Nicky Killer
       It  was  agreed  the  verges  will  need  rebuilding  and  money  will  be  set  aside  to
       complete this work.                                                                 13 April       Lent – Palm Sunday    Lindy Ventham
       Cones have been placed in front of the finger post to protect it.                   20 April       Decorate for Easter   Elizabeth Whatley
       The emergency number to call if there is a technical failure with the lights is 07971   27 April     Vivi Armitage       Vivi Armitage
                                                                                           4 May          Trish Killbank        Shirley Prideaux

       Parish Council Precept
       For budgeting purposes, the Parish Council set an initial increase in the Precept for
       2019/20  of 7.5%  at  its  January  meeting.    This  was  reduced  to  5%  at its  February   Mowing Rota
       meeting.  Unfortunately, the wrong figure was applied by Purbeck in approving
       the Precept.   The Parish Council asked for the correct figure to be applied, but
       this is not possible.  The solution is to hold back the uplifted payment that will be              Area 1        Area 2         Area 3         Area 4
       received  to  deduct  from  the  Parish  Council’s  Precept  request  for  the  year
       2020/2021.                                                                          1 – 14 Apr     Nigel Payne   Ken Kilbank    David Coates   Mike Menzies

                                                                                           15 – 28 Apr    David Griffith   Robin       Alec Armitage  David Buck
       Telephone Kiosk – Information Centre                                                                             Gainsford

       The  work  to  complete  the  transformation  of  the  Telephone  Kiosk  is  nearing   29 Apr – 12   Steve Wootton  Ian Kaye    Graham         Ivor Bryant
       completion.    A  gathering  is  planned  as  an  official  opening  of  the  new  Parish   May                                 Nobbs
       Amenity and all are welcome to attend.  Please look out on Noticeboards and on
       the Community Website for more information.

       Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish – Volunteer of the Year

       This  year  the  Parish  Council
       voted   unanimously    to
       nominate  Eve  Badcock  as
       Volunteer of the Year in the
       Purbeck   District   Council
       Annual  Parish  Awards.    The
       evening   Ceremony   took
       place  on  Tuesday  12th
       March.  This is always a very
       enjoyable   event   during
       which  Sue  Jones  gave  the
       following citation.

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