Page 76 - br-april-2019
P. 76

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

       Eve  has  also  sought  to  participate  in  the  regular  Open  Gardens  fund  raising   OUR DEAR FRIENDS IN BERE REGIS AND
       event  held  by  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  Committee.    This  event  also  plays  a
       major  role  in  providing  the  funds  necessary  to  sustain  another  essential  parish   AFFPUDDLE
       amenity.    Cruck  Cottage  has  been  judged  by  visitors  as  ‘Best  Garden’  many
       times and this accolade bears testament to the talented gardener Eve is.  As I       We do want to thank so many of you for sending such loving messages and cards
       have a captive audience tonight I thought I would be cheeky and advertise the        to Felicity and me for our new home and for my 70  Birthday. We should have
       next  Briantspuddle  Open  Gardens  which  is  taking  place  on  Sunday  2nd        liked to written in reply to each but please accept our thanks, they have been
       June.  For those of you who haven’t seen Eve’s garden, it will be on show, in all its   very special to us.
       glory again.
                                                                                            We are very well settled in; both our new home and the Village are all we had
       On behalf of our entire Parish I congratulate you on receiving this award and I      been hoping for! We hope to see some of you sometime.....
       would  also  like  to  thank  you  for  all  you  have  done  ad  continue  to  do  for  our
       community.”                                                                          With our love and warmest thanks – and our prayers for you all in the future.
                                                                                            Charles and Felicity

        Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details

        Parish Councillor/ Clerk   Email Address             Telephone number                        THE PARISH OF ST LAURENCE
        Sue Jones - Chairman   01929 471375                       AFFPUDDLE With TURNERSPUDDLE
        Charles Barter – Vice   Charles.barter@thewatercresscompan  01929 463663
        Lizzie Guinn          01305 848916
                                                                                                      PAROCHIAL  CHURCH  COUNCIL
        Mike Menzies       01929 471263
                                                                                                   ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING  2019
        Sarah Lowman –          01929 472702
        Acting Clerk

        Stuart Chorley             01929 472869
                                                                                                             Sunday 28 April
        Trevor Poole       01929 471496
                                                                                                                    at 6.45PM

       It will not be long now before the swifts will be arriving back in Briantspuddle after
       their long journey from Africa, usually arriving around the end of April.  They have
       spent the winter in southern  Africa and recent research shows that they do not                      Evensong at 6PM
       stay in one place but visit several countries. One bird covered 5000 km in only 5
       days  on  its  return  trip  in  the  spring!  The  fastest  recorded  speed  for  a  swift  in
       horizontal flight is 111.6 km/h.
                                                                                                        Please come and join us!
       The  British  swift  population  has  declined  by  a  half  in  the  last  15  to  20  years,
       however the reasons for this are unclear but it is possible a lack of suitable nest

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