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April 2019                                                                           April 2019

                          BERE REGIS NEWS                                                                                            GARDENING CLUB

                                                                                                                            Last  month  at  the  Drax  Hall  we  had  an
                                                                                                                            enjoyable  and  informative  talk  from
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480                                                     Andrew  Hunt  who  is  the  head  Gardener
                                                                                            from Kingston Lacy.  Andrew had worked on the estate for some years and was
                                                                                            able to describe the history of the estate and more importantly the history of the
       Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher     472151
                                                                                            gardens.    He  explained  the  efforts  to  recreate  and  restore  the  garden  all
                                                                                            illustrated  with slides.  He also set out plans for the development of the Garden in
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327                     the future.  As a National Trust member I intend to return to the garden this year
                          Crocker                                                           to have a look at those things I missed last year.
                                                                                                                                    In  April  on  2   we  are  going  to
                                                                                                                                    Tarrant  Keynston  Mill  –  this  is  the
                                                                                                         home of Parterre Fragrances.  We
                                                                                                                                    will be given a guided tour of the
                                                                                                                                    fifty  Acre  estate  dedicated  to
        The Parish  Council met on  Thursday 14th March 2019 at the Drax Hall.  The next                                            aromatic  and  scented  plants
        meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  11   April  at  the  Drax  Hall,  starting  at  7pm.  All                                  where over 1000 varieties of plants
        parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any                                            are  grown  for  distillation  to
        matters or concerns at the start of the meeting.                                                                            produce  ingredients  for  luxury

        Village Forum                                                                                                               We have to meet there at 6 pm.  It
                                                                                                                                    gets dark at 8 pm.  The cost will be
        Saturday 27  April from 10am – 2pm sees our annual Village Forum, held in the                                               £10.00 each.  Please  get in touch
        school hall. Of course our main topic of this forum will be the Neighbourhood Plan                                          with  me  Susan  Stone  (Chairman
        as it reaches it’s final stage, but there will also be displays and discussions on our                                      0 1 9 2 9    4 7 2 0 8 3    e m a i l
        new community minibus, the excellent ongoing work that our environment group if you are interested and would like to join us)
        carry out and an explanation of what the future of our village could hold once
        the Neighbourhood Plan comes to fruition. Please come along on the day to hear      In  May  another  Talk  on  Ultimate  Garden  Plants  but  more  importantly  we  are
        talks on these areas and have a chance to chat to your Parish Councillors.          having a plant sale.  This time to be held on Saturday 11  May at Shitterton by
                                                                                            kind  permission  of  Sue  and  Bill  Steggles  .    Please  can  members  bring  any

                                                                                            unwanted garden plants and Garden Bric a Brac Books  We will do our best to
        Midsummer Bere Fest 2019!                                                           get rid of it.
        Our Midsummer Bere Fest is being held between 2
        –  8pm  on  Sunday  30   June  at  the  Recreation
        So far, The Stour Valley Band will be playing, Nina
        Garcia will be entertaining us in the evening, and
        there will be food and a bar, and, hopefully, with
        your  help,  much,  much  more.  We  need  all
        community  organisations  and  businesses  to  get

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