Page 17 - br-april-2019
P. 17

April 2019                            April 2019
       compels us... He died for all,
 Open Gardens   that  those  who  live  should
       no     longer   live   for
 Thanks to those of you who have come forward to offer gardens, offers are still
 dribbling in, however we hall need to finalise soon for the brochure. Briantspuddle   themselves, but for Him who
 Open Gardens is, once again advertised on the National Open Gardens website.   died  for  them  and  was
 It is a marvelous site and if you’re looking for somewhere to visit it has nationwide   raised  again.  Therefore  if
 coverage, do have a look.   anyone  is  in  Christ,  he  is  a
       new  creation,  the  old  has

       gone,  the  new  has  come.  I
 Finally   tell  you,  now  is  the  time  of
       God’s favour, now is the day
 The  Committee  has  received  repeated  correspondence  worrying  about  our   of  salvation.”  2  Corinthians
 ability to recognise a conflicted interest. To make it quite clear to everyone; the   5:14,15,17 & 6:2.
 current  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  Trustees  take  their  duty  to  the  charity  very
 seriously and take every care that in all situations the benefit of the charity is their   God bless you this Easter time, may it be a time of new beginnings with Him, for
 paramount consideration. I’m also quite sure the same is true of the many who   you.
 have preceded us as trustees.
       Just a smile
 AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH   During the school holidays I took my six year old grandson into town on the bus,
       which  he  thought  was  a  great  treat,  as  he  usually  goes  by  car.    He  was  very
 COUNCIL    interested in my travel pass and commented that it was a good photo.  I thought
       it was awful, so I was pleased with his remark until he added: “you can’t see all
       the lines...”
 Parish Litter Pick – Weekend of 6  & 7  April
       In a crowded bus the voice of a six year old rang out loud and clear. “Is our cat a
 There will be a Parish litter pick over the weekend of 6  and 7  April.  This is now   daddy cat or a mummy cat?”  “He’s a daddy cat” his mother replied.  “How do
 an  annual  event  in  response  to  the  increase  in  litter  throughout  the  parish,   you know he’s a daddy cat?” the boy asked.   An expectant hush fell over the
 particularly  along  verges  adjacent  to  our  roads.    All  volunteers  are  welcome,   passengers as they strained to hear her reply.  Ready for the challenge she said,
 even  if  you  can  only  spare  half  an  hour  this  will  share  out  the  load  between   “He’s got whiskers, hasn’t he?”
 us.  The Parish Council has purchased its own litter picking kit comprising gripper,
 gloves, high viz jackets and sturdy bin bags.   Please come to the village hall on
 either the Saturday or Sunday between 9am and 12noon to select your route and
 to pick up your equipment, every contribution is very much appreciated.
 Whist this litter pick is a major push and will make a big difference throughout the
 parish  in  advance  of  Open  Gardens  and  the  Best  Village  Competition,   CHAPEL
 Councillors are also very conscious that parishioners do make a huge contribution
 to keeping the Parish tidy on a daily basis when out walking and picking up litter   Our next Service at the Chapel is on April 7th and will be
 at the same time.  Thank you for all your efforts.
       led by Rev Sally Spencer.
 It is of course possible that the weather will be against us on 6  and 7  April.  With   The next Buggies and Brunch is on April 13 .
 this  in  mind  the  weekend  of  13   and  14   April  has  been  pencilled  in  as  a
 contingency.  Please look out for notices on Parish noticeboards and information   Everyone is welcome.
 on the Community Website
        For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith (01929 471339), Caroline
       Harrison (01929 471378).
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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