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April 2019                                                                           April 2019

              OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          If you have any questions please contact the Chairman on 01929 471375 or email

       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                    Temporary Traffic Lights Affpuddle

                                                                                           Councillor Charles Barter has met with an Officer from DCC to discuss the issues
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting  preachers.          that have resulted from the siting of the temporary traffic lights.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           Councillors  had  suggested  a  diversion  route  to  ease  traffic  congestion,  but
                                                                                           regulations mean that this is not possible.
       Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
                                                                                           However, other measures have been agreed and they are as follows;
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
                                                                                           The lights approaching from the north will be moved further north around the next
       Easter Services                                                                     corner where there is a longer straight section of road and more signage will be
                                                                                           added to warn of the approaching hazard.  The anticipated benefits should be
       April 19  Good Friday   10.30am                                                     less noise from revving engines, radios and tyres for most residents.  At the same
                                                                                           time  motorists  will  no  longer  be  able  to  see  oncoming  traffic  and  this  should
       April 21   Easter Day      10.30am
                                                                                           reduce the danger posed by drivers jumping the lights.
       Everyone is very welcome to these special services
                                                                                           On reviewing the scaffolding at Peony Cottage, it was felt the guard rails could be
                                                                                           moved closer to the structure that holds the ballast,  gaining up to a metre, the

       As  Easter  approaches  we  are  reminded  again  of  the  death  and  resurrection  of
       Jesus Christ.
       The following story is told by Tim Miller.
       He writes: “My nine- year-old daughter Jennifer was looking forward to our family
       holiday,  but  she  became  ill,  and  a  long  anticipated  day  at  Sea  World  was
       replaced by a day spent at the hospital for a series of CT scans, xrays and blood
       tests.  At the end of the day the doctor told my exhausted little girl that she would
       need to have one more test, a lumbar puncture. The procedure would be painful,
       they  said.  (Evidently  done  before  sedation  became  routine)  The  doctor  then
       asked me if I wanted to stay in the room. I nodded, knowing that I couldn’t leave
       Jennifer alone during the ordeal.  The doctor gently asked Jennifer to remove all
       her  clothing.    She  looked  at  me  with  child-like  modesty  as  if  to  ask  if  that  was
       alright. They had her curl up into a tiny ball.  I buried my face in hers and hugged
       her.    When  the  needle  went  in  she  cried.  As  the  searing  pain  increased,  she
       sobbed repeatedly, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy” her voice becoming more earnest
       with  each  word.    It  was  as  if  she  was  saying  “O  Daddy,  please  can’t  you  do
       something?”  My tears mingled with hers.  My heart was broken, I felt nauseated.
       Because  I  loved  her  I  was  allowing  her  to  go  through  the  most  agonising
       experience of her life.  In the middle of the procedure my thoughts went to the
       Cross.  What unspeakable pain both the Son and the Father went through – for our
       But because of the Cross of Christ we can become a new person.  “Christ’s love

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