Page 24 - br-april-2019
P. 24

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

       colleagues  have  put  down  the  marker  that  we  want  to  see  this  recognition  of   BERE REGIS
       volunteers continued next year and thereafter, even if Westport House ceases to      SURGERY NEWS
       be  used  for  local  government  purposes.  I  promise  you  that  the  new  Dorset
       Council will be made to see the value of what has been done here in Purbeck,
       because it should rightly be extended to other areas rather than be allowed to      Women’s Institute Centenary
       Councillor Trite concluded: "Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.
       The  ultimate  test  of  character  is  what  you  are  willing  to  do  for  those  who  can   We  would  like  to  thank  the  W.I  very
       never be of any possible use to you."                                               much  for  donating  a  blossom  tree  in
                                                                                           celebration  of  their  anniversary.  This
       Seventeen  parishes  and  towns  across  the  District  nominated  Volunteers  of  the   has  now  been  planted  in  the  bed  in
       Year for 2018.                                                                      front of the Surgery.

       The Volunteers of the Year:                                                         Sharon McDonagh
       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle – Eve Badcock                                           Sadly, we have said farewell to Sharon who has been a valued member of the
                                                                                           Reception Team for seventeen years. She will be missed very much by both staff
       Arne – Mr John Burgess
                                                                                           and patients and we thank her for all she has done. We  will especially miss her
       Bere Regis -  Pat Wharf                                                             cheerful and friendly disposition. We all wish her well for the future.

       Chaldon Herring – Jeremy Selfe
                                                                                           Bank Holiday Opening Hours
       East Lulworth – Jenny Manuel
                                                                                           The Surgery will be closed on the following days:
       East Stoke and East Holme (joint nomination) – Jon Moulton, Joy Allen and Rachel
       Gamble                                                                              Friday 19 April 2019
                                                                                           Monday 22 April 2019
       Langton Matravers -  Marjorie Glassock
                                                                                           Monday 6 May 2019
       Lytchett Matravers – Linda Perry
                                                                                           Monday 27 May 2019
       Lytchett Minster and Upton – June Richards
                                                                                           If you require urgent medical attention whilst we are closed telephone 111.
       Morden – Sarah Bowerman
                                                                                           In an emergency call 999.
       Studland – Stephen Yeoman
                                                                                           Please ensure you order and collect your repeat medication in plenty of time.
       Swanage – Alan Dominy
       Wareham – Sue Dean                                                                  GP APPOINTMENTS AFTER EASTER AND MAY BANK
       Wareham St Martin – Paul Eyles                                                      HOLIDAY WEEKENDS
                                                                                           There will be no bookable GP appointments in the morning after a Bank
       Winfrith Newburgh and East Knighton – Pat Yonwin
                                                                                           Holiday weekend.
       Wool – Alan Osgood
                                                                                           Instead  there  will  be  an  Open  Surgery  running  on  the  Tuesday  morning  from
                                                                                           8.30am to 10.00am approx. If you need to be seen by a GP urgently come to the
                                                                                           Surgery between these times and book in at Reception. You will be seen in order
                                                                                           of arrival. Please be aware that there may be a wait.

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