Page 23 - br-april-2019
P. 23

April 2019                            April 2019

 Carers Plus Meetings   Purbeck

 The  next  meeting  will  be held  on  Tuesday  April 9   at  the  Scout  Hut,  Bere Regis   District
 from 2-4pm. Please come along or ask Mechelle or Jo at the Surgery for further
 information.   Council
       of the Year

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       places in which to live.
       The ceremony, held on 12 March 2019, was the 11  Purbeck District Volunteers of
       the  Year  ceremony;  the  outstanding  achievements  of  over  150  individuals  and
       groups have been recognised by the District Council during that time.
       Councillor  Trite,  and  over  50  guests,  heard  of  the  energy,  enthusiasm  and
       commitment displayed by the volunteers.
       After  presenting  each  volunteer  with  a  scroll  to  mark  his  or  her  achievement,
       Councillor  Trite  told  them:  "Sure  enough,  it's  been  another  year  during  which
       volunteering has become yet more important for keeping the fabric of our society

       together,  for  helping  those  in  greatest  need,  and  for  maintaining  the  quality  of
       local life. It's my privilege to thank you for what you do in Purbeck, and through
       you to thank all Purbeck volunteers whom you are, in effect, representing. You're
       the deserving tip of what is - thankfully - a proverbial iceberg. Thank you for the
       difference you make.
       "Estimates I've found for the total value of volunteering in England vary between
       £23bn and £46bn. That's a big variance, but even if the lowest estimate were the
       reality, it's still a huge figure which wouldn't be made up by any other means. And
       the highest rate of volunteering in England is to be found in the south-west.”
       Councillor  Trite  continued:  "Volunteers  are  critical  to  filling  the  gap  between
       individual and community resources on the one hand, and those provided by the
       State  (central  and  local  government)  on  the  other.  Demands  on  the  State  are
       open-ended and governments have traditionally been reluctant to let taxation rip
       in order to meet it all. Volunteers are therefore essential.
       "In just over two weeks we shall see the end of Purbeck District Council. I and my

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