Page 39 - jan2024
P. 39

January 2024                         January 2024
  Too late to get an automatic renewal, I was forced to do the whole week-long   With my complementary flip-flops, I returned to the pool. It was 24 metres long by
 First Aid Course again back in the UK. The only one available was in Wareham. 5   around 8 metres wide with a low wall containing it. The water from the pool was
 men and one woman (who happened to live in Bere Regis !!!).   cascading  gently  over  the  sides  and  into  a  stainless  steel  grating.  There  was
       decking with tables and chairs (covered on the day I was there) where customers
    By  the  end  of  the  week  of   could sit and lounge and chat on warmer sunnier days.
 blowing   air   into   rubber
 casualties  –  and  discovering   Looking around me, the city rose above the building in all directions, creating a
 that Sarah and I had a lot in   spectacular urban backdrop. The café and the restaurant upstairs used to be the
 common,   (both   being
 involved  in  Matters  Nautical)
 we concluded that “ we liked
 the cut of each other’s jib” –
 as us seafarers say.

 While I was swanning around
 the  Northern  Hemisphere  in
 Posh Boats including 30 metre
 Sailing  sloops  Bermuda  to
 Norway.**,  Sarah  was  doing
 her own thing, rescuing dogs
 and people daft enough to fall of cliffs, along with 6-week projects teaching locals
 how to protect their own marine environments in the Indian Ocean.

 ** this delivery was because the Captain was on leave. A day out from Bermuda,
 the  engineer  (a  Norwegian  soldier)  advised  me  that  I  was  sleeping  on  18,000   Victorian  viewing  gallery  and  now  had  a
 rounds of 9mm ammunition and the owner wanted to get rid of 5000 rounds.   wonderful  view  of  the  pool.  On  the  other
                                        side,  a  curtain  of  bamboos  had  been
 Fortuitously,  we  had  flat  calm  conditions  in  our  part  of  the  North  Atlantic,  3   planted.  The  whole  place  gave  a  feel  of
 handguns,  a  rifle,  plenty  of  empty  beer  cans  and  ample  string.  30  metres  was   quality  and  a  great  deal  of  thought  must
 chosen  as  a  testing  distance  to  shoot  at.  200  rounds  later  my  pistol  accuracy   have gone into the planning.
 became  reassuring  vis-à-vis  a  stand  off  with  the  ever-present  possibility  of
 encounters with pirates when in the proximity of Azores.   I  quickly  got  into  the  pool  to  swim  my  mile
                                        requiring 67 lengths. It was a most enjoyable
 As  it  happened,  our  only  encounter  with  potential  danger  was  40  NM  from  the   swim. The water heated to a comfortable 23
 Island of Horta in the Azores Archipelago.  Tootling along under engine in our 30   degrees  centigrade,  felt  gentle  and  less
 metre yacht, the foul smell of a whale’s breath caught our attention. 60 metres on   chlorinated  than  most  pools  and  I  was  told  later  that  it  was  because  of  the
 our  starboard  beam  the  fin  of  a  blue  whale  appeared  seemingly  on  a  parallel   special filtration system used; only a third of the normal chlorine was added. The
 course  and  similar  speed.  Further  observation  noted  that  our  respective courses   pool  had  a  rustically  tiled  base  with  an  unusual  shade  of  blue  very  much  in
 were closing quietly.   keeping with the general ambiance of the place.
 Whilst there are strict Rules of precedence explained in the International Collision   The  depth  was  1.2  metres  throughout  and  I  heard  later  that  it  was  specifically
 Regulations, they do not encompass who gives way to whom when it comes to   designed that way so that lifeguards were not required to the man the pool. The
 encounters with whales.  We decided to maintain our Course and Speed (so did   pool itself was not the old one recycled but entirely newly built on the same site.
 the Whale). As the courses got closer we estimated that a) the whale was 35-40
 metres in length and b) it was more manoeuvrable than we were so we decided   I completed my mile in around 27/28 minutes whilst Diana snapped away with her
 to maintain our course and speed. As the gap decreased to 30 metres the whale   camera. It was pure heaven and wonderful to swim in such splendid surroundings.
 turned  sharply  towards  us,  dived  under  the  boat  to  become  visible  under  the   Now it was time to sample the Jacuzzi situated at the far end of the pool. I joined
 surface on our port side, while its tail was still visible on our starboard side. A tragic   a  couple  of  ladies  and  a  gentleman  who  had  just  become  members  but

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