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January 2024                                                                        January 2024
       CLIFTON LIDO                                                                        disaster  in  the  Tall  Ships  Race  1984  saw  the  Tall  Ship  Marques  overcome  by  a
                                                                                           severe storm en Route to Halifax with the loss of 19 of her 28 crew members.
                                                                                           The background reasons contributing to this disaster are not for discussion on this
       The History                                                                         occasion  but  suffice  to  mention  that  it  contributed  to  me  being  made  a
                                                                                           Yachtmaster  Offshore  and  Ocean  examiner  for  the  Royal  Yachting  Association
       The  Victoria  Clifton  Baths  was  originally  opened  on  29  July  1850  with  a  single   (aka the RYA).  This has been a large part of my activity (and income) for the last
       admission fee of one shilling (5p) including two towels, from 6am to 3pm. In 1880   30 years.
       Victorian  Baths  Limited  bought  the  pool  for  £2,200.  In  1897  the  Corporation  of
       Bristol  purchased  it  for  £3,025.  The  lido  was  almost  certainly  designed  by  the   During  all  of  this  time  Sarah  and  I  were  quietly  enjoying  the  times  when  our
       architectural firm of Pope, Binden and Clark and it reflected an Egyptian style of   respective  paths  crossed  and  we  enjoyed  our  travelling  together.  At  the  same
       architecture and served the community for over 100 years.                           time, I found myself spending more and more time in Bere Regis and realising that
                                                                                           it  was  the  only  place  that  I  was  quietly  regarding  as  home.  A  most  welcoming
       The lido, as with many at the time, became the focal point of the community and
       in the 1930s, the first electrically lit pool in the UK. For many generations it was the   environment and population.
       place for social gatherings, courtship and exercise.                                To paraphrase a well-known local retired farmer,   “ It’ll see I out “

       Sadly, by the 1980s the pool had fallen into disrepair and closed in around 1992.                                                                 David Gray
       The threat of demolition hung over the lido for 13 years as the Sovereign Housing
       Association  tried  to  gain  consent  from  the  city  council  to  bulldoze  the  site  and
       turn it into flats. However, local people campaigned to keep the lido open and
       succeeded in getting it made a grade11 listed building.
       In  2006  the  Glass  Boat  Company  purchased  the  building  and  was  granted  full
       planning permission to restore the pool and associated buildings.
                                                             2009                                                       G P Lewis

                                                             The  satnav  proved              Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator
                                                             invaluable  as  we
                                                             navigated  our  way
                                                             through  the  centre            All aspects of painting and
                                                             of Bristol to the newly         decorating undertaken including
                                                             reopened    Clifton
                                                             Lido. The pool itself is        Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
                                                             situated   in   the             and Commercial.
                                                             narrow side streets of          Qualified and with over 30 years
                                                             Clifton and it  took  a
                             little  careful driving to park our car in  a roadside  space   experience, will offer friendly
                             immediately opposite to the pool.                               advice if needed.

       As  we entered the  spa  tearoom  which  overlooked  the pool,  my  first  impression      1st class finish                 If you require a job done hassle free
       was ‘Wow, what a wonderful place!’. I checked in at reception and was greeted             Free written quotes                 by an honest, friendly tradesman
       by the very friendly and helpful staff. I was issued with a clothes hanger cover and                                            please give Gavin a call on
       told that I could either use their indoor changing rooms or the outdoor cubicles         Fully insured
       with brightly striped canvas “doors”. I chose the outdoor facility and returned with      No job too small or big           01929 471704 or 07977
       my belongings to be deposited in my own personal locker.                                                                            047314, Email:
                                                                                                No VAT

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