Page 36 - jan2024
P. 36

January 2024                                                                        January 2024
                                  BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP

                                 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be
                                 on  Tuesday  13   February  at  2pm  in  Winterborne
                                 Kingston  village  hall.  The  demonstrator  will  be
                                 Elizabeth  Witcomb  and  her  title  is  A  Variation  on  a
        This  is  the  first  demonstration  of  2024,  and  promises  to  be  a  very  enjoyable
        afternoon.  Visitors and new members are always welcome.  Your first visit to the
        club is free of charge.

         For  information,  contact  Chairman  Bob  Holman  01305  8482262  or  email

                                                  GARDENING CLUB

                                     Our  December  meeting  was  an  interactive
                                     meeting .  Mike Webber set up the screen  and
                                     with  members  working  in  teams,  and    quaffing
        mulled wine and seasonal nibbles we  were taken on tours of famous gardens and
        gardens  in  Dorset.    We  had  to  guess  where  we  were?    What  is  this  plant?  and
        where does it like to grow?  I was surprised at how many I could get right and then
        was annoyed with myself for the ones I missed.
        It was a very enjoyable evening.

        Next month we are abandoning the Village  Hall and are going out for a new year
        Meal  on  9   January.    Details    and  menus  will  be  circulated  to  all  members  by
        email.  In February there will be a general meeting and back to the usual monthly
        talks when hopefully the 2024 programmed will be finalized.

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          you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them

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                     generate more advertising revenue!!

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