Page 42 - jan2024
P. 42

January 2024                                                                        January 2024

       VILLAGE HALL                                                                         NEW SERIES  -  INTERESTING LIVES

       The Village Hall team wishes all our supporters a
       very happy new year.
                                                                                                                                               Regular  readers  may

                                    Hall Bookings                                                                                              remember  this  request
                                                                VILLAGE                                                                        in   the   December
                                    If you want  to book  the                                                                                  magazine.
                                    Village   Hall   please       HALL                                                                         I am delighted that we
                                    contact  our  booking                                                                                      have already had two
                                    Secretary  Joanna  Syrett                                                                                  articles  submitted,  but
                            or telephone   01929                                                          it  would  be  terrific  if
                                    472037 she will also be able to show you around                                                            some   more    were
                                    if you are not familiar with the building.                                                                 forthcoming    -  I  know

                                                                                                                                               that  there  are  many
                                                                                                                                               suitable  ‘candidates’
                                                                                                                                               out there!
                                                                                                                                               Please   do   get   in

       The Hall has two rooms to offer
       for  hire  the  picture  show  how
       these can look when set out.
                                                                                            David Gray
       The Lower room is £10 an hour
       and  the  upper  Hall  is  £15  an                                                   My first recollection of life - at the age of 2 in 1944 - was in an Anderson Shelter
       hour.                                                                                on the main Eastbourne Road  just under the Hill on which Kenley Airport (Spitfire
                                                                                            Station) was sited. That road was nicknamed  “Doodlebug Alley” as the V1 flying
                                                                                            bombs used that airspace on their way to bomb Croydon and London.

                                                                                            They  made  a  very  strange  purring  noise  from  their  engines  as  they  passed
                                                                                            overhead.  My  Scottish  maternal  grandmother,  along  with  my  mother,  my
                                                                                            paternal  grandmother  and  older  sister  were  hiding  in  the  Shelter.    My  Scottish

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them                              granny was holding me in her arms in the doorway. I was crying at the sound of
                                                                                            the “doodlebug’s engine.
         you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them                            “ Och wee mannie, dinnae fash yersel If ye can hear them yur OK, It’s when the
                                                                                            sound stops that ye haf tae get yur heid doon”
          monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us                            I survived the war.  At 13, I helped out at weekends in a local Country House that
                    generate more advertising revenue!!                                     bred and showed Great Danes. The House was adjacent to a disused Chalk pit. A
                                                                                            large tree growing close to the edge had a swing made from a fireman’s rope
                                                                                            with a large knot on the end. The idea was to grab the rope, jump onto the knot
                                                                                            and swing out into the abyss.   Guess who slipped off the rope at the extent of the
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