Page 78 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 78

September 2023                                                                      September 2023
       the  fruit  trees, apples, pears, plums,  cherries  etc can become  low  yielding  after
       difficult wet times or result in having very high moisture content fruits, that makes                OBITUARIES/EULOGIES
       harvesting and processing ready for retailing or for storage  very difficult. It is not
       only what we know as fruit trees that suffer in this way. The grain harvest could also
       be affected both in yield and moisture content. Having a higher moisture content              Diana (Di) Phillips  -  3.1.43-10.7.23
       can result in greater drying costs and difficulty in long term storage.                                               A  service  at  Dorset  Downs  Natural  Burial

       All we can pray for now is a warm, dry end of summer and beginning of autumn                                          Ground  on  28th  July,  conducted  by  Mr
       and  that  the  harvest  is  plentiful  because  there  have  been  catastrophic                                      Neil McCain.
       happenings around the  world,  resulting from floods and more recently wild fires
       which have resulted in various crops being burnt up.                                                                  Good  morning  and  welcome  to  the
       Still “A stitch in time saves nine”, as was a common saying a few years ago but                                       Dorset   Downs   for   this   service   of
       now is rarely used. In my childhood my parents, grandparents and school teachers                                      celebration for the life of Diana Phillips. a
       were  constantly  using  such  sayings  but  which  mean  little  to  the  younger                                    wonderful  and  much  loved  lady.  My
       generations.  Another  of  these  old  sayings,  “Too  many  cooks  spoil  the  broth,”,                              name is Neil and I'll lead us as we come
       should  be  aptly  used  when  deciding  what  to  do  about  our  current  problems                                  together  to  pay  tribute  to  Diana,  give
       nationally  and  internationally.  May  a  sensible  government  and  its  specialist                                 thanks  for  all  that  she  meant  to  us,  and
       departments in agriculture, population density, food imports, immigrant control be                                    say goodbye now that our time with her is
       great departments in general because:-- “A stitch in time saves nine”.                                                over. In doing so we will express our love
                                                                                                                             and affection for her.
       My maternal grandfather was a great one for using these wonderful, old sayings
       and  so  I  hope  that  we  think  seriously  about  them  and  remember,  “Waste  not,   The poem I've just read out is a kind of gentle ultimatum to you - a choice on
       want  not.”  Thinking  back  to  my  grandfather’s  times,  made  me  think  of  my   the  wav  you  can  all  react  to  this  service,  the  way  you  might  choose  to
       grandmother  and  believe  it  or  not  her  electricity  supply,  its  installation  and  the   behave  in  the  future.  Right  now  it  feels  like  a  tough,  almost  unbearable
       method of paying for it.                                                              decision.  When  you  think  of  Diana  here,  now,  it's  natural  that  sadness  and
                                                                                             sorrow  invade your  thoughts - you're  grieving  because you've  lost someone
       She and my grandfather lived in a very old house, Its walls were about three feet     you love and you know the hole Diana's left in your lives can never be filled.
       thick, made of chalk, which were covered with a pebble dash coating to prevent        To all of you here - especially John and Colin and the rest of Diana's family -
       erosion.  It  overlooks  the  village  duck  pond  at  the  end  of  the  High  Street  in  the   please remember that wherever they are, everyone is thinking of you today
       village of Buriton just north of the Southdowns in the county of Hampshire. Myself    and  they,  send  their  love  and  friendship  to  you  to  sustain  you  in  times  to
       and my two older brothers were born in this house and spent our early years there.    come.
       In the early days there was no electricity supply, with little chance of getting it until
       the war was over. When connection eventually                                          I know you'11 appreciate that support. She might have had a lot of candles
       was  completed,  my  grandmother  had  to  put                                        on her last birthday cake - 80 of them to be precise - but she was spritely 80,
       shillings into the meter to pay in advance for all                                    full  of  verve  and  sparkle.  with  a  twinkle  in  her  eye  and  a  determination  to
       power used. Of course this meant that a “meter                                        make  the  most  of  every  day.  She  was  always  smiling  and  always  busy:
       man” had to call every so often to empty it.                                          everything from her own sewing projects and baking
                                                                                             to  helping  others,  catching  up  with  friends  and
       This was a very special day for my grandmother,                                       getting involved in her local community, to writing her
       because the electricity company always paid a                                         memoirs, or penning some poetry or a letter to an old
       rebate.  I  can  see  it  now,  the  “electric  man”                                  pal.  Diana  loved  life  and  so  last  October  when  she
       unlocked  the  meter  took  out  the  money  box,                                     learned  that  she  had  myeloma,  she  did  her  best  to
       came  into  the  kitchen  and  emptied  a                                             cary on as normal, doing all of these things and more,
       considerable number of shillings onto the table.                                      her spirits buoyant and keen to make more memories
       He then sat down and counted the total money                                          with all of you. Very sadly, despite the initial success
       there. Then he did something my grandmother                                           of  the  treatment  she  was  given  to  fight  the  cancer,

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