Page 74 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 74

September 2023                                                                      September 2023

        FIRST THURSDAY CLUB                                                                        A Secret Place
        (AUTUMN LEAVES)                                                                       Scatter my ashes on meadows wide     Cow parsley adorns the footpath like

                                                                                             Under the bracken and heather I’ll hide
       I worry about meetings every month.  Have we got                                      With rabbit, owl, fox sparrow and deer   At this my own very secret place
       everything  we  need?    Volunteers,  refreshments,                                                                         Ramblers may tread and pass near by
       speaker,  and  lastly  when  we  have  all  arrived  and                             To the end of all time with nothing to fear
       set up I worry that no one will come.  Last month Ian                                                                        While I rest there, my soul on high
       Ventham  was  the  speaker and  sure  enough  the  helpers  and  food  had  arrived
       including 36 visitors.                                                               Below beech and hazel and the mighty oak
                                                                                                                                     For all time with god’s creatures,
                                         Ian  was  talking  about  his  recent  trip  to    In sun, wind and rain, into the soil to soak   sharing their home
                                         India to research his Father in Law’s travels
                                         during the Second World War.  This was no             The seasons will blend, leaves from    In sprit, life like, always to roam
                                         ordinary  travelogue  of  just  hotels  and                   emeralds to red
                                         tourist  sites.    This  was  a  story  starting  with   They fall in a mass, soft carpet to tread   ‘neath the sky and the stars., on
                                         an  old  black  and  white  photograph                                                             meadows to rest
                                         album  found  among  his  father  In  law’s                                                For eternity, at the place I love best
                                         effects  after  his  death.    This  showed        Through sunshine and showers, snowdfrift
                                         pictures  of  places  he  had  visited  in  India               and drought
                                                                                                                                      I go to my maker his peace to
                                                                                            Let modern developers be left in no doubt
                                                                                            Its peace and its beauty, its mystery and
                                                                                                          wonder                      With arms open wide, just as a
                                                                                            no man has the right to ravish and plunder
                                                                                                                                    So scatter my ashes on meadows
                                                                                            From under my ashes comes forth threes   This is my heaven, to be at god’s side
                                                                                                         and plants

       during  the  War.    By  researching                                                 Forever to grow, in the sunlight to dance
       regimental  records  and  a  book                                                                                                                Diana Phillips
       written by a comrade the story of                                                    To rest ‘neath the leaves that rustle and
       his war was reconstructed.                                                                           bend
       Ian  and  his  family  retraced  his                                                 Blowing this way and that, with the way of
       journeys  and  found  many  of  the                                                                the wind
       sites   in   the   album   and                                                          Scatter my ashes on meadows high
       photographed  them  again  80
       years  later.      More  moving  was                                                   Alongside the devil stone there I’ll lie
       the  story  of  the  forgotten  battles                                             Overlooking my village, find church loved so
       and  the  defence  of  India  during                                                                 well
       the  war  from  the  Japansese.
       One  dreads  to  think  of  what                                                      Not for me under slab, my body to dwell

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