Page 32 - br-sep-2020
P. 32

September 2020                                                                      September 2020

       many more were generously supplied for parties and teas – particularly for cream
       teas served with her homemade strawberry jam.

       Quiz time and Elaine could be relied on for the answer to any question concerning
       food, along with those relating to the natural world. Her knowledge of plants was
       encyclopaedic  and  there  was  always  a  floral  arrangement  on  our  speakers’
       As  a  WI  committee  member  her  contributions  of  suggestions  and  ideas  were
       always welcome, as were her comments that kept us on the straight and narrow.
       She was rightly proud of our Group picnic on Stanbarrow Fort when it was our turn
       to host the annual group walk, and also when we fed a multitude of WI ladies at
       Group Harvest Supper.
       Whatever the event, occasion or meeting Elaine was there to help and support –
       our sad loss.

                                                    Di Pitts, President, Bere Regis WI

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