Page 27 - br-sep-2020
P. 27

September 2020                      September 2020

 I played in an FA Cup Final at Wembley!
 The  recent  Arsenal  FA  Cup  win  revived  memories  of  another  occasion  when  I
 played for them in an FA Cup Final at Wembley. So how did it come about that, at
 the ripe old age of 64, I found myself in this situation? The road to Wembley started   Flu clinics Bere Regis Surgery
 two years earlier when, on 27  July 2012, I had the honour and privilege to perform   2020
 in  the  London  2012  Olympics
 Opening  Ceremony.  At  the  time,   Any  patient  eligible  for  the  flu  vaccine,
 although it was the culmination of a      please  phone  the  surgery  after  10.00  in
 great deal of hard work, there was a   the  morning  to  make  an  appointment
 job to be done. With the eyes of the   for a flu vaccination.
 world (80,000 people in the Olympic   Patients 50-64 years with no long term condition will be advised in November if
 Stadium and 100 million on TV) upon   there are vaccinations available for them.  If you particularly wish to have a flu
 us,  we  had  about  fourteen  minutes   vaccination  before  then  we  would  recommend  that  you  contact  your  local
 in  our  section,  Pandemonium,  to   pharmacy.
 clear  the  arena  of  the  previous
 “Green  and  Pleasant  Land”   This year we ask you to:
 scenario,  depict  the  Industrial
 Revolution  in  all  its  grime  and      Arrive at the exact appointment time
 splendour,  including  the  forging  of      Provide easy access to your upper arms
 the  Olympic  Rings,  and  then  strike
 the whole lot so that the NHS could move in.      Wear a face mask or face covering

 There  was  so  much  going  on  and  so  much  to  remember,  choreography,      Stay at home if you or a household member have symptoms
 positioning  to  avoid  collisions,  set  removal,  in-ear  cues  and  synchronization  with
 music,  that  we  had  to  be  totally  focused  on  the  task  in  hand.  It  was  only      Please phone 01929 471268 to book your appointment
 afterwards  that  the  sense  of  ecstatic  achievement  could  be  experienced  –  we
 had done our friends, families, Danny Boyle and our country proud!
 What  could  possibly  come  after  such
    an amazing experience? The euphoria   Training
 lasted for some considerable time and
 was  relived  over  and  over  again   Are you interested in attending any training courses in the future? Possible courses
 through  the  social  networks  and   could  include  first  aid,  manual  handling,  mental  health  first  aid  and  condition
 ‘reunions’  that  had  been  established   specific courses on things such as dementia. Subject to availability and demand,
 amongst the various groups of Olympic   courses would be funded by Carer Support Dorset. Please  contact on 0800 368
 performers  and  volunteers.  It  was   8349 if this would be of interest.
 through  one  such  group  that  another   On Wednesday 16 September, we will be running a 2-hour Increasing emotional
 volunteering  opportunity  came  up.   resilience  workshop  with  Daran  Bailey.  This  has  been  funded  by  Carer  Support
 They  were  looking  for  people  to   Dorset and will be free to carers. If you would like to register then please contact
 perform  in  the  opening  ceremony  of   us on 0800 368 8349
 the  2013  UEFA  Cup  Final  at  Wembley.  The  match  was  between  two  German
 teams, Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich. The theme was to be a game of
 chess involving knights in red or yellow, the colours of the two teams.    Coping with anxiety after lockdown
 I turned up at Barnet’s practice ground for the first rehearsal and found that the   Laura Clifford-Jones MBACP, Adult & Young Persons Counsellor, gives some tips in

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