Page 12 - br-sep-2020
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September 2020                                                                      September 2020

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                         B3390 – Road Safety

       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                    Councillors  were  sorry  to  learn  about  a  recent  accident in  the  Parish  along  the
                                                                                           B3390.  The Parish Council discussed measures which might improve road safety
                                                                                           along this dangerous stretch of road.  Councillors will be liaising with the highways
                                                                                           authority consider what can be done to improve on the current situation.
       Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           On-Road Parking
                                                                                           Concerns have been expressed to
       Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
                                                                                           the  Parish  Council  that  some  on-
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                          road  parking  could  obstruct
                                                                                           emergency vehicles reaching their
       Our Sunday morning services restarted on 8  August and continue each week at        destination.    It  is  of  course
       10.30am.  The service content is restricted by Government guide lines, masks must   recognised that many houses lack
       be worn, and social distancing observed.  In spite of these, and other restrictions, it   the  necessary  off-road  parking  to
       has been good to be able to worship together again.  The service is shown live on   accommodate resident and visitor
       you tube for those unable to attend.  Other meetings are still closed.
                                                                                           vehicles.    However,  the  Parish

                                                                                           Council  asks  that  residents  to  be
       Donald Duck?!                                                                       mindful  of  the  need  for  access  at
                                                                                           all  times.    Parking  should  not
       Some while ago I was watching                                                       obstruct the use of the highway.
       a duck preening itself on a wide

       and  fast  flowing  river.    The
       fascinating  thing  about  this  was                                                Next Meeting
       that   it   was   arranging   the
       feathers on its back, so it had its                                                 The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 9th
       head turned round facing its tail                                                   September.  Please  check the Parish  Council section of the Community  Website
       – and it was doing all this about                                                   nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting if it
       three  metres  upstream  from  a                                                    is  once  again  to  be  held  remotely.  Residents  wishing  to  raise  issues  may  also
       weir.  The  water  carried  the                                                     contact the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting if they prefer.
       seemingly  quite  oblivious  duck                                                                                                         Sue Jones, Chairman
       towards  the  very  edge  of  the
       weir  and  the  drop  over  the
       edge,  but  the  duck  (perhaps  called  Donald!)  suddenly  realising  it  might  be
       plunged over the edge, spoiling its nicely arranged watertight overcoat, quickly
       turned its head forward and paddled desperately back to its original starting point
       some  three  metres  upstream.    Then  it  repeated  the  whole  process  again-  and   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
       again-  and again and ......! What incredible patience and will power.
       Why  didn’t  it  do  its  preening  where  all  the  other  ducks  were?  Perhaps  it  was  a   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
       ‘loner’, or it had fallen out with the others.  Why didn’t the other ducks tell this one   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
       determined duck how silly it looked, and anyway it would be far safer as part of
       the group, away in the calm shallows?  Or why didn’t the duck allow itself the thrill                        advertising revenue!!

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