Page 9 - br-sep-2020
P. 9

September 2020                      September 2020

 Working in the shop is a great way to meet people from across the parish, share
 stories and news whilst customers make purchases.  And now on Tuesdays feel a   SANCTUARY FLOWER GUILD
 part of the village hall coffee morning as customers take their turn to come in the
 shop and maybe have a coffee whilst they wait.
       Sept 5/12th  Enid Leigh
 We continue to be grateful to the village hall who allow us to use the building for    Sept 19/26th Moira Mathers
 queuing  and  sheltering.  Our  customers  continue  to  show  their  gratitude  for
 everything they have with many donations to the food bank (please keep them
 coming, we know there is a local need).
 We are always on the look out for new volunteers, whether it’s a shift one morning
 a fortnight in the shop, cleaning once a month or collecting the stock. It’s all done
 by volunteers which is what makes the shop so special and rewarding. If you’d like
 to be a part of this great community facility, please get in touch.
 And don’t forget to submit your entries for the Village Shop calendar. We’d love to
 have  your  photos  or  pictures  of  arts  and  crafts  we  can  include  in  the  2021
 calendar. Please email to or drop into the shop.
 Ali Chorley, Chair of Briantspuddle Post Office and Village Shop Association Ltd


 As  I  write  this  months  article  the  main  hall  at  the
 village hall s being decorated. By the time you are
 reading  this  all  the  inside  areas  of  the  village  hall
 will have been decorated and waits looking shiny
 and  new  to  welcome  us  back  as  lockdown
 continues to ease.
 Our village hall is now able to be declared “covid safe” and so from September
 onwards it is available for hire subject to any new government guidelines and the
 hirer complying with regulations required for its use. We look forward to seeing the
 hall gradually return to some forms of normal use. At the same time by means of
 the entrance doors and the lobbies the hall will continue to provide a means of
 providing a one way system for the shop.

    Please  contact  Angela  Tozer,  our  booking
 secretary,  with  any  enquiries  re  hiring  and  using
 the hall and one of us will gladly meet you there to
 discuss what can be achieved.
 A big thank you to everyone who has taken part in
 this  years  100+  club.  It  will  undoubtedly  be  our
 single largest fund raiser this year and good luck to

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