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September 2020                                                                      September 2020

                           CHURCH NEWS                                                     everyone as each months draw is made. Thanks go to Mike Menzies for running
                                                                                           this for us again this year.
                                                                                           August saw the village hall start a socially distanced coffee morning on Tuesdays
       FROM THE REGISTERS                                                                  between  10am  and  12  noon.  Please  come  along  and  enjoy  a  brief chance  to

                                                                                           spend some time with one another over a cup of tea or coffee and again help us
                                                                                           raise funds for the hall.once the weather turns, providing we can adhere to indoor
       Funerals                                                                            regulations we hope to be able to continue the coffee morning making use of the
                                                                                           main hall as and when the weather dictates the need until then we will continue
       St John the Baptist, Bere Regis                                                     using the area outside between the jubilee room and the shop. Please come in
                                                                                           through the village hall main doors and not down the side of the shop.
       Wednesday 12th August  -  Elaine Standfield
                                                                                           Once again it is very encouraging that the hall has been able to play a small part
                                                                                           in providing a little bit of normality back to our lives.
                                                                                           I  look  forward  to  seeing  as  many  of  you  as  possible  and  in  the  meantime  take
                                                                                           care and stay safe.
                                   BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS
                                                                                                             Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees

                          Return of the Bells

                          At 2 minutes after 11.00 o’clock on Saturday 15  August the
                          church  bells  rang  out  again  to  signal  the  end  of  the  2
                          minutes silence to commemorate the 75  anniversary of VJ
                          Day.                                                               Paul Martin       07788 185048         Could the ALEXANDER

                        Only 4 bells rang because of Covid 19 precautions, but they        Electrics           01929 289323
      all remember August 1945 very well, and were no doubt pleased and thankful to            TECHNIQUE help you?
      return to duty for such an important act of remembrance.
                                                                                            Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
      For the time being, 4 bells will be the maximum that can be rung at the same time     experience offering:-                 Learning the technique will enable you to
      because the ringers must keep 2 metres apart in the small ringing chamber 50 feet                                           realise that the way you stand & move can
      up in the tower.
                                                                                             Consumer Unit (fuse                 be the cause of pain & tension
      We have worked out a drill to enable safe ascent and descent of the narrow and          board) Replacement
      winding tower staircase. This will allow us to ring for services as and when they get    Emergency call-out
      under way again.                                                                        Service                              The BMJ gave
                                                                                             Additions and
      Because  of  the  precautions  we  will  not  be  able  to  hold  the  regular  Wednesday                                     AT positive
      evening practices and regretfully will not be able to teach any new recruits. This is   Alterations to Existing              results in their
      a  worry  as  one  or  two  of  us  can  just  about  remember  1945  and  are  rather  less                                 Back Pain trial
      resilient  than  the  bells!  So  if  you  are  inspired  to  learn,  please  get  in  touch  with    Portable Appliance
      Adrian Standfield on 01929 471 774 and we will introduce you to the band, explain       Testing
      how it all works and have you ready to ring just as soon as ‘normal service’ can be    No VAT – Fully Insured                01929 298 323
      resumed.                                                                               Part P Compliant                      0770 441 9200
                                                                                             Free Estimates
                                                                            Jon              All Work Guaranteed                  Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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