Page 16 - br-sep-2020
P. 16

September 2020                                                                      September 2020

                                OBITUARIES                                                 SEEING RED FOR HEDGEHOGS

                 Elaine was a great animal lover, not only dogs, but sheep and cows,
                 they  were  a  very  big  part  of  her  life.    She  would  go  to  see  her   Hedgehogs  are  now  officially
         Herefords each day to see if they were ok.  If they didn’t feel like getting up   on the Red List of endangered
         then Elaine would sit down with them, talk to them for a bit and then when        species   published   by   the
         she got up to leave they would follow her up the field to see her go.  Sadly      Mammal  Society  in  July  2020.
         because of TB they had to be destroyed, this was a very bad time for Elaine.      Hedgehogs are categorised on
         Most  of  the  sheep  had  names  and  their  families  go  back  to  Gracie  and   the   list   as   Vulnerable   to
         Bathsheba which were Elaine’s first sheep, Poll Dorset’s.                         Extinction, which means there is
                                                                                           still  sufficient  numbers  for  the
                                                                                           population to return to healthy
                                                                                           numbers  again.  But  that  is
         Rev Charles and wife Felicity, sent this:
                                                                                           purely up to us. We have been
         We all have our treasured memories of this remarkable lady;                       responsible  for  their  decline
                                                                                           and  if  we  don’t  act  now,
         Even  before  we  arrived  in  Bere  Regis,  we  heard  that  Elaine  had  been   hedgehogs  could  soon  be  lost            Photo: Colin Varndell
         diagnosed and yet throughout our time she always appeared resilient, taking       forever.  Our  children,  their
         life as a matter of course; what an example! No fuss, no fripperies, just honest,   children and all future generations will learn about hedgehogs in the same way
         loving kindness and helpfulness.                                                  that we learnt about woolly mammoths and dinosaurs.
         As the leader of the Flowers Team, she always brought out the best in others,     Hedgehogs face many dangers and need our help. Loss of suitable habitat in the
         encouraging  rather  than  interfering.  She  would  always  fulfil  any  task    countryside has driven them into our towns and villages as their last refuge. Here
         undertaken.                                                                       they face problems with rats, rodenticides, dog bites and increased risk of traffic
                                                                                           accidents. The latest figures for hedgehog road traffic accidents (RTAs) has been
         We  remember  the  wonderful  Flower  and  Quilting  Festival,  produced  by  a
         team  led  by  Elaine,  and  supported  enthusiastically  by  her  most  loyal    estimated at between 167-335,000 hedgehogs killed annually in GB.
         companion, Adrian.                                                                Many people across the rural county of Dorset are going out of their way to help
                                                                                           the hapless hedgehog. Inspired and led by the Dorset Mammal Group, residents
         Often, I would see Elaine driving down the road to visit her beloved sheep.
         She would give me a wave and a smile. She had a natural way with her, even        in towns and villages are developing hedgehog friendly streets by making holes
         accepting  bad  news  with  reality.  I  always  sensed  she  had  what  I  call  a   in, or under, garden fences and walls for hedgehogs to pass through. Gardeners
         ‘natural faith’ loving the beauty of the rural landscape and the animals and      are  also  encouraged  to  adopt  hedgehog  friendly  activities  by  not  using  slug
         plants within it.                                                                 pellets and leaving areas of rough ground where hedgehogs can forage.  Log
                                                                                           and brushwood piles are being created for hedgehogs and many residents are
         Most of all, it is the partnership between Elaine and Adrian that we most want    offering supplementary food and water.
         to celebrate today.  They have always been there for one another, a deep
         love,  respect  and  appreciation  of  one  another.  It                          In addition to these measures, which anyone can do, there is a growing army of
         has been the privilege for us to have been allowed                                volunteer hedgehog rescues, carers and rehabilitators, looking after sick, injured,
         to be part of their lives; thank you both!                                        orphaned or underweight hedgehogs across Dorset.
                                                                                           The Mammal Society has estimated that hedgehogs may have declined by as

                                                                                           much as 73% in the last twenty years. Please help your town or village to become
                                                                                           more  hedgehog  friendly,  and  if  you  care  about  hedgehogs  and  want  to  help
                                                                                           them,    get   in   touch   with   the   Dorset   Mammal     Group    at
                                                                                                                                              Colin and Susy Varndell

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