Page 14 - br-September-2019
P. 14

September 2019                                                                      September 2019

       Flowers and Cleaning Rota                                                            ROTARY CLUB OF WAREHAM

       Date:            Flowers:            Cleaning:

       7 September    Mary Nesling         Mary Nesling                                    TOOLS NEEDED
       14 September  Amanda Parker         Amanda Parker                                     Wareham  Rotary  will  be  collecting  unwanted  tools  on
                                                                                           behalf  of  a  charity  based  in  Southampton  who  send
       21 September  Penny Haigh           Penny Haigh
                                                                                           donations  of  good  quality  tools  to  their  projects  in  Africa.
       28 September  Elizabeth Whatley     Lindy Ventham                                   These tools which should be in working order are used to help people earn a living.
       5 October      Sue Taylor           Elizabeth Whatley                                                            Any  unwanted  tools  can  be  donated  in  the
                                                                                                                      Sandford  Pub  Car  Park,  Sandford,  Wareham  on
       9 October      Wed morning          Special church clean
                                                                                                                      Saturday  7   September  between  9.30am  to
                                                                                                                       Good tools in working order are needed, preferably
                                                                                                                      not  cordless  or  mains  power,  they  will  be  gratefully
       Mowing Rota                                                                                                    received on behalf of the charity, however tools that
                                                                                                                      are unable to be sent are passed to other charities to
                                                                                                                      raise funds  or recycled.
                       Area 1       Area 2         Area 3        Area 4
                                                                                                                       Wareham Rotary support many charities and to find
       19 August –     Robin        David Buck     Sandy Moriarty  Steve Wootton                                      out  more  about  what  we do  please  take  a  look  at
                       Gainsford                                                                                      our   website    new
       1 September                                                                                                    members are made very welcome.
       2 – 15          Ian Kaye     Ken Kilbank    Ivor Bryant   Henry Hogger

       16 – 29         David Payne   William Smith   Roger Prideaux  Richard Killer

       30 September –  David Hallatt   Roger Smith   Campbell De   Richard Hall
       13 October

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             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the

             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                advertising revenue!!

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