Page 17 - br-September-2019
P. 17

September 2019                      September 2019


       The  next  Service  at  the  Chapel  will  be  on  Sunday  1st
       September at 3.00pm and will be led by one of our local
       preachers, Peter Brazier.
       We  will  be  having  our  popular  Harvest  celebrations  on
       the weekend starting on Saturday 21st September with a
       special  Buggies  and  Brunch.  We  really  appreciate  all  the  produce  you  can
       spare, vegetables, jams and chutneys. Cakes and flowers.
                                       On  Sunday  22nd  we  will  be  having  our
                                       traditional Harvest Service which will start at
                                       3.00pm and will be led by Gill Bumphrey.

                                       On Monday 23rd we will be holding a grand
                                       Auction  of  Harvest  produce.  A  great
                                       evening for all the family. Starting at 6.45pm.
                                       Everyone is welcome.
                                       Thank you to everybody who attended our
                                       Vintage Tea & Crafts afternoon on Saturday
                                       17   August  which  raised  a  total  of  £226
                                       towards Chapel funds.
        For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith (01929 471339), Caroline
       Harrison (01929 471378).

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