Page 9 - br-September-2019
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September 2019                      September 2019

 The  next  Charity  Coffee  Morning  taking  place  in  the  Social  Club  will  be  on
 Saturday  the  28 September  between  10:30  and  noon,  proceeds  in  aid  of  the   BERE REGIS CHURCH NEWS
 Parish Church.
 Details of future events will be found in this magazine and on Parish notice boards   JUNIOR   “Why don’t you come and join us at the
 as soon as details are finalised.
       CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday
 Peter Talbot    NEWS                  of every month at 11.00 am”

       SUNDAY 11th AUGUST
 PURBECK FILM FESTIVAL      This  month's  Junior  Church  continued  the  theme  of  Prayer.  The  children
       spent   'the   hour   before'   making   and   decorating   illustrations   in
 at Briantspuddle Village Hall DT2   readiness  for  the  sermon;  the  first  two  letters  of  PRAY  to  advise  on
 7HR   how  to  pray.  P  for  Pause,  and  R  for  Rejoice.  (to  be
       the  next  Junior  Church  on  8th  September;  10am  start  with  family
 Friday 25  October 7pm for 7.30pm   service at 11, followed by refreshments).
 film   The  number  of  puppeteers  was  somewhat  depleted  with  several  being  on
       holiday,  but  Lauren  did  a  sterling  solo  performance  of  'You  Raise  me
 Finding Your Feet  - a  comedy/drama featuring
 Imelda  Staunton,  Celia Imrie,  Timothy  Spall  and   Up',  while  two  girls  from  Wool  joined  in  the  second  song  with  just  one
 Joanna Lumley made in the UK in 2017.   quick  rehearsal  before  the  service,
       and  did  a  grand  job.  We  saw  a
 Beer,  wine,  soft  drinks,  teas,  coffees  and  ice   drama about Martha and Mary, with
 creams for sale.   Jesus  persuading  Martha  that  talking
       to  him,  like  praying,  is  just  as
 Tickets  -  £6  (£5  for  students  and  under  25s)   important,  if  not  more  so,  than
 purchased from Rex Cinema, Wareham; on line   spending  hours  keeping  the  house
 at;   or   order   at
 Briantspuddle Village Shop (am only) and pay at the door on the night.
       A  reminder  that  Bob  Croom  will  be
 One of the best comedy dramas to come out of UK film studios for many a year   doing  the  Ride  and  Stride  on
 this talented cast take us through laughter and tears in a film which is full of fun, is   Saturday  14th  September,  so  if
 moving and at times outrageous.   Sandra (Imelda Staunton) discovers, just at the   a n y o n e       w o u l d    l i k e    t o    s p o n s o r    h i m ,    o r
 time when they are going to retire, that her husband (John Sessions) has for many   simply  make  a  donation,  this  would  be  gratefully  received.  Half  of  the
 years been having an affair.  She attempts to rebuild her life by moving in with her   proceeds  will  go  to  the  Church,  and  half  to  the  Dorset  Historic
 wayward and unconventional sister  (Celia Imrie) who persuades her to join her   Churches Trust.
 local community dancing class.  Meeting characters like Charlie (Timothy Spall)
 the  handyman  who  lives  on  a  houseboat,  opens  up  a  whole  new  world  for

 Running time – 111 minutes
 Please note – contains brief drug use: brief strong language
 Further enquiries to Maggie Hoyle on 01929 472733

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