Page 11 - br-September-2019
P. 11

September 2019                      September 2019
               Bere Regis Junior Church
 Your Community Needs You
 Help  required  in  the  ever  popular
 Saturday morning Coffee Shop to cover
 holidays etc.  Volunteers are needed to
 serve  drinks  and  cake  or  help  with  the
 washing up. We are a friendly group of
 people who love working at the coffee
 shop but now and again we would like
 to  take  a  break.  Any  help  would  be   Prayer
 appreciated,  either  on  a  regular  basis
 or ad hoc.
 For more information phone Jenny Beedle on 01929471002 or pop in and see me
 at the coffee shop any Saturday morning between 10am and 12 noon.

 Coffee Shop
 The coffee shop will be closed on Saturday 28  September as the Bladen Social
 Club will be hosting a coffee morning to raise money for Affpuddle Church


 This  year’s  Horticultural  Show,  and  the  supper  and  quiz  night  that
 followed, were well supported.  There were 43 entrants who displayed 293
 exhibits in this year’s show, an increase of 15 entrants and 50 exhibits on
 last year. Disappointingly children’s exhibits were low this year, and there
 were  no  children’s  flower  arrangement  exhibits.  However  overall  there
 were a large number of prize winners, rather than the more usual situation
 of a small number of entrants winning multiple classes. Which proves the
 point  “that to win it you have to enter it”.
 The Horticultural show was started 50 years ago by Norman Reed and it
 was a great pleasure to have his son Tim Read present the cups to the
 winners, as follows:
 The Bladen Social Club Cup
 Most points in section 2 (vegetables) - Bert Jeanes

 The Norman Read Rose Bowl
 Most points in section 3 (flowers) – Jenny Lightfoot

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