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October 2023                                                  SMALL ADS
                                                                                                                          October 2023
       Continuing…Thursday Tea and
       Toast – St John the Baptist
       Church, 8am-11am, WEEKLY                                                                 Village Hall         Purbeck                 Sharon Dobson

       A drop in Café runs for a couple                                                      Available for Hire for private   Plumbing          Handmade
       of hours on a Thursday morning in                                                     parties or regular meetings.
       church,  with  the  purchase  of  a                                                 Please note that the main Hall is on an   Boiler services,   Find out how I can help you
       couple  of  portable  radiators  it  is                                              upper level, we do however  have a   repairs and   transform the look of your
                                                                                                    chair lift.
       more  of  a  Warm  Space  than  it                                                    There is a smaller room also   installation.  Drains and   Bespoke handmade curtains
       was before!  Designed as a place                                                        available for meetings    waste pipes unblocked.     and alterations, Roman
       to drop in on the way to or from                                                     The Hall hire cost is £15 per hour                blinds, soft furnishings and
       dropping  off  at  school,  or                                                       for the upper hall and £10 per   Call Steve Iles on   upholstery projects
                                                                                               hour for the lower hall.
       perhaps  on  your  way  to  or  from                                                 For hire and booking enquiries   01929 550858
       the  shop  for  the  morning  paper                                                        please email          07831 312740           07960 459834
       and milk, or out with the dog(s), a                                                    
       place to have a chat over tea (other drinks are available) and scrumptious toast        01929 472037
       and biscuits for our four-legged friends.  All ages are welcome, there are toddler
       age toys available.  A big thank you to all our volunteers.                                                                               Computer
                                                                                            Toes and Fingers         Advertise Here
       For  more  information,  please  contact  Pat  Wharf  –                                                        Problems?
       01929 472246.                                                                          Toe and finger nail     for only £73 a
                                                                                            cutting service in your                           Email & internet support
                                                                                                                            year.             Wireless networking setup
       And in the Benefice…                                                                       own home                                     PC and Laptop repairs
       LPA Commissioning Service- Bere Regis Church Sunday 1  October, 4pm.                   Toe nail cutting £15    The best way to        Virus and malware removal
                                                                                            Finger nail cutting £12                             No call-out charge
       Bishop  Karen  will  be  coming  to  commission  some  new  Lay  Pastoral  Assistants                              keep your          Over 20 years’ experience
       (LPAs)  for  the  Benefice,  who  have  been  training  over  the  spring  and  summer.    Both treatments £18                             Call Alan on :
       Three of them come from the parish of Bere Regis – Jackie Percy, Pat Wharf and                                  contact details          01929 480529
       Peter Wharf.  Please do come and support them at this service.                            Call Kay on               handy.
                                                                                              01202 280492 or                                   07710 835905
       LPAs are trained and authorised to engage in pastoral ministry on behalf of the          07968 290333                        
       local church, working as part of a team of clergy and laity.  They may work with
       children and young people, the sick, the recently bereaved and the elderly and
       housebound. They may take communion to those unable to come to church.  We                                     Sole to Soul            Self Catering Holiday
       are  so  grateful  to  all  those  who  have  undertaken  this  important  ministry  each                                               Accommodation
       using  their  individual  gifts  and  skills,  but  importantly  having  a  loving  and
       compassionate heart and being willing to listen and support those in need.                                    Reflexology                  Four bedrooms
                                                                                                                                                  Living room
                                                                                                                                                  Dining room
       Sunday 15  October – 4pm eXplore, Kids of Wool Building, next to                                                     in the                Conservatory
       D’Urberville                                                                                                       Briantspuddle           Study
       Family friendly service, theme told through drama,  music, activities, followed by                                   Towers                Kitchen
       tea and cake.  All ages welcome.  For more details please contact Rev Sandra.                                                              Two bathrrooms
                                                                                            Learn or Play CROQUET          Pamela               With availability for

                                                                                            Briantspuddle – No Fees                           Christmas and New Year
                                                                                                                     07939545008                 01929 471780
                                                                                                       01929 472204

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