Page 4 - BR October 2023 (1)
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October 2023                                                                        October 2023

       1 0.30 a m   i n    Sal i sbu ry
       Cathedral  and  she  will  begin
       ministry  amongst  us  then,  as
       Assistant  Curate,  for  three
       Lydia  is  very  much  looking
       forward to serving her curacy
       in the West Purbeck Benefice
       and    getting   to   know
       everyone!  Prior  to  training  for
       ordination,  Lydia  worked  in
       wildlife  conservation  and  lived  in  intentional  Christian  communities  both  here  in
       Dorset and in her home country, the USA.  She is currently training for ordination at
       Sarum College and is writing her master's dissertation on churchyards and hope.
       Lydia  is  married  to  Jimmy,  who  is  vicar  of  St.  Mary's  Dorchester  and  a  hospital
       chaplain  at  Dorset  County  Hospital.    She  loves  hiking,  birdwatching,  and  sea
       swimming, and is already studying the OS map of the benefice to work out some
       good walks.   Lydia has much to offer, and we really look forward to her arrival.
       With blessings Sandra


                                     7th   Harvest Festival           Decorators

                                     14th  Harvest Festival

                                     21st  Diane Edmonds & Enid Leigh

                                     28th  Sue Stone & Alison Lynam

        CHURCH CLEANING ROTA                                                                Saturday 28th October

                                                                                            Bere Regis  -  Those Bygone Days Photographic Exhibition     10.00am-6.00pm
        25 September - 8   James Hawkins
        October 2023                                                                                   Village Hall, North Street

        9 October - 22   Rosemary Cleave
        October 2023     Sarah Trenchard

        23 October - 5   Ian Ventham
        November 2023    Diana Ventham

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